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  • Year 1 - Moon Zoom

    Fri 28 Nov 2014

    A massive thank you to all the grown ups who attended the Year 1 Moon Zoom exhibitions today.  The exhibitions were a huge success due to the children's hard work and your support.  I am sure you will agree that the space ships were our of this world!


    As you can tell from the children's Wow Work folders, they have learnt a lot about space.  They have also enjoyed writing space themed stories.


    Children when you get home today ask your grown-up if they have learnt anything new today.  To any grown-ups who were unable to come into school today the exhibitions will stay up a little bit longer if you want to come in to see them after school, or enjoy looking at these photographs.

  • Towers, Tunnels and Turrets - Year 2

    Thu 27 Nov 2014

    What an incredible afternoon in Year 2! Pupils and their parents/carers were set numerous challenges linked to their recent unit Towers, Tunnels and Turrets. Pupils were required to use and apply their learnt knowledge and share this with their adults. The challenges were fun and it was fantastic to see and hear the interaction in each classroom. So what were these challenges?

    The Biscuit Challenge - Can you remember which biscuit was the strongest to make the best bridge? Could you carry on investigating other biscuits that you have at home?

    Marshmallow and Dry Spaghetti Bridge Challenge - Were YOU able to use the allocated resources to create a strong and stable bridge? How many books did yours hold?

    Sugar Cube Tower Challenge - How tall was your tower? Can you beat your record number of cubes at home?

    Creative Bridge Challenge - What did you use as inspiration for your bridge? Did you use any of the features we've looked at in our lessons?

    Towers, Tunnels and Turrets Quiz - An opportunity to share pupils' work with their adults; pupils were set a number of questions in the form of pictures to quiz them on their knowledge of our topic. Which tower stands in France? Where is the leaning tower of Pisa? What is Isambard Kingdom Brunel famous for? Why are concentric walls better than straight walls? How many different microhabitats can you name and match the correct animal to?


    Thank you to EVERYONE who managed to attend - once again the pupils loved having you in school to share in their learning!


  • Class 4 Assembly - Recycling

    Fri 21 Nov 2014

    A massive 'Well Done' to all of Class 4 and Class 7 children who retold the story of Michael Recycle and reminded the children and adults the importance of recycling. Michael visited a town that had forgot to reuse, reduce and recycle and their town had become slimy and grimy. Luckily, Michael had some great advice and tips to improve their town and when he returned, the town gleamed and glittered and nobody littered! Children shared lots of the eco-friendly activities Westfield Infant School do that Michael would be proud of. Finally, we sang our school Eco-song.


    Remember to look out for the recycling symbol on your packaging at home and make sure it goes in the right bin. 

  • Friendship Afternoon

    Wed 19 Nov 2014

    This afternoon was friendship afternoon! As part of the national Anti-bullying Week we held an afternoon that raised awareness of bullying. Children from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 visited different classes so every class had a variety of different aged children.


    We spoke about what it meant to be bullied, it can be hurting people or saying unkind things Several Times On Purpose (STOP). We discussed some examples and decided whether or not it was bullying. We discussed what to do if this was happening to you: Start Telling Other People (STOP). It is vital that you don't keep it inside as other people can and will listen to you and help you.


    Most importantly we thought about how to be a good friend. We held circle times and songs introducing ourselves and finding out about our new friends, we played games together, we worked together to build, complete jigsaws and create bracelets. Some children listened to stories and worked together on pieces of art work.


    Thank you to all the children who were so kind and friendly to each other and made it a lovely afternoon for everyone.We are all friends at Westfield Infant School!

  • Blunderbus - Santa's Little Helper

    Wed 19 Nov 2014

    We were very lucky on Tuesday to have another super performance by the Blunderbus Theatre Company. The story was all about Albert, a little boy who became a helper for Santa. We met lots of different characters including a naughty snowman that threw snowballs at the children and the grownups in the audience! Lots of adults came to join us and they enjoyed it as much as the children. This gives you the opportunity to share the experience at home by talking about the show.

    Although we really enjoy these visits, they also provide a stimulus for your child's writing. It would really help them to retell  the story to doesn't matter if they change it or make up their own characters. Encourage them to draw pictures from the story and write a simple sentence about it. You could also ask them to tell you a different story about helping Santa. We hope you have fun!


  • Children in Need Assembly

    Sun 16 Nov 2014

    This morning we enjoyed a very colourful and exciting assembly. All the children had been invited to bring a special teddy or favourite furry toy to school for the day.

    We saw a variety of Bears in different colours, different shapes and various sizes of favourite toys. They were all very well behaved during assembly!

    A lot of children and adults were also wearing Pudsey Bear Ears today which added to the fun!

    The catering staff had also been very busy as they had prepared Pudsey Bear biscuits for those who wanted one for pudding at lunchtime. 

    Thank you to everyone who supported the Children in Need fund raising. The total raised today was £535.41. Another great Westfield effort!  

  • Class 6 Assembly - I love to eat Fruit and Vegetables

    Fri 14 Nov 2014
    A huge well done to Class 6 and some Class 7 children for their performance of the story 'I love to eat fruit and vegetables'. Through this story the children explained how important it is to eat your fruit and vegetables because they contain lots of vitamins and minerals that help you to grow and be strong and healthy. Pupils also shared their lovely paintings of their favourite fruits and vegetables. Class 6 also explained how very lucky we are in this country to be able to eat healthy foods that keep us fit and strong and we thought about people in other countries who don't have enough food. We thought about how teaching people about sustainable foods would help them. We are enjoying gardening in Class 6 and are looking forward to growing crops that we can harvest and eat.
  • Lanterns Play in a day - 'Play Safe to Stay Safe'

    Tue 11 Nov 2014

    The Lanterns had a very exciting day full of drama.They worked together to create a play all about internet safety. We learnt the key messages about staying safe on the internet such as not telling others your password, creating a password that would be difficult for others to guess and ALWAYS asking a grown up before going on the internet. We also learnt what to do if there is a pop up on your screen; tell an adult and NEVER click on it as you may give the computer a virus. We learn that you should NEVER share your personal information with anyone on the internet as they may just be pretending to be your friend. Don't tell them your name, school, address or phone number. Can you think of any other personal information that you shouldn't share? Lastly we found out that you are not allowed a facebook account until you are 13 years old so we should never be looking at facebook without an adult.


    The Lanterns performed their play superbly to the rest of the school. The play involved all these key messages in fun and engaging ways. The whole school learnt you have to PLAY SAFE TO STAY SAFE!  Well done Lanterns!

  • Bible Presentation

    Mon 10 Nov 2014

    During our assembly this morning we were joined by Rev Malcolm Clarke and Anne. They regularly come to lead our assembly but this morning they had a very important job to do. At Westfield Infant School all the children have the opportunity to have a very special illustrated Bible. The Bibles are kept in school for the children to look at and refer to. When a child leaves the school they take the Bible with them so they have it at home.

    Malcolm and Anne presented all the Reception pupils and those children in Year 1 and 2 who have joined us since the last presentation with a Bible.

    The Bibles are provided at a reduced cost thanks to the Bible for Schools organisation and it is hoped that the children will treasure them for years to come.

    As you can see from the photographs the children were very proud to receive the Bibles and were soon looking at them and taking great care as they turned the pages.      

  • Class 9 Assembly - Farm to Fork

    Fri 07 Nov 2014

    Thank you to all those adults that came to watch Class 9’s assembly ‘Farm to Fork’. We hope you enjoyed learning all about where your food comes from and what processes it has to go through in order to be safe to eat.

    We had great fun learning about ‘Farm to Fork’ and loved sharing our knowledge with the whole school. Please use the link below to visit the website and have a look round yourself, play the games and test what you have learnt.



    Remember class 9 are still waiting for a food that begins with X!
