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  • Year 2 Author Visit - Andy Cope

    Wed 28 Feb 2018

    Five Year 2 pupils were invited to Arnesby to meet the amazing children’s author and incredibly funny Andy Cope. The room was packed with enthusiastic Y2-Y7 pupils from different schools.

    He started the session by introducing a photo of his dog called Lara – his inspiration for writing his Spy Dog series. He compared her to the exceptional, super sophisticated, cleverest dog on the planet – his main character called Lara.

    Andy talked to the children about having high aspirations and never giving up on their dreams. They were also challenged to answer some brain tests and reminded about the importance of reading for 30 minutes every day.

    Westfield pupils asked Andy some interesting questions and found out some fun facts about him, including his favourite author…none other than the amazing Roald Dahl! This excited a few of the pupils who attend Year 2 Roald Dahl Reading Club. Did you know… it takes Andy two weeks to write 21,000 words for a book?!

    A creative writing challenge was set for our Year 2 pupils to write a chapter about a pet gorilla who gets up to exciting things without the adults knowing! Some of our children even got to share their work with Andy and the whole room!

    At the end of the morning pupils had the opportunity to choose a Spy Dog, Spy Cat or Spy Pup book which was personally addressed and signed by Andy Cope himself!

    Well done for your impeccable behaviour Year 2. You represented Westfield Infant School brilliantly, despite being the youngest year group there!

  • Recorder Assembly

    Fri 23 Feb 2018

    Today the first Recorder Group played for us in assembly.  They started with the note B and played BB Blues. 


    They then showed us the note A and played thinking and then showed us how to put the two notes together and played How about this?


    After A comes G and we were treated to Green Jelly played in a round and then a very tricky song called Chilled that uses the notes B,A and C! 


    Mrs MacLauchlan then asked for an encore of Hot Cross Buns.


    Well done Recorder Club!

  • School Council Bring and Buy Sale

    Fri 23 Feb 2018

    What a fantastic Bring and Buy sale the School Council organised!  They helped set up the hall and made sure all the toys and books looked good to buy and then helped to sell them all.


    The Raffle was drawn at 3.15pm and the prizes given out today in assembly.


    Well done School Council - you raised £462.15 for UNICEF

  • Boundary Farm Visit

    Wed 21 Feb 2018

    This afternoon we had a fantastic time visiting Boundary Farm. Eight children from Year 1 and 2 were able to visit the farm at the start of their lambing season. Farmer Richard and farmer Rachael were once again brilliant with the children and shared lots of information about their farm.


    Each child was able to hold a lamb that was only 2 days old! We visited the milking parlour and the cow sheds too! We found out that when the farmers milk their 102 milking cows twice a day they make 2200 litres of milk a day. Farmer Rachel walks 2.5 miles every time she milks the cows as she walks up and down tending to them all! The milk is stored in a huge fridge straight away so it is chilled and then it can be taken away from the farm and sold. We learnt all about how to take care of the animals on the farm and what they eat too.


    The children were brilliantly behaved and were so curious about the farm. They thought of lots of excellent questions to help them learn even more.


    Thank you to the farmers for providing the children with such a hands on wonderful experience. Look out for more information when we share information about the visit with the whole school in an assembly.    

  • Multi-Sports Parent/Carer Session

    Fri 09 Feb 2018

    Multi-Sports has once again been a success! During this Term the children have been learning and using a lot of different skills. Some of these skills include: balancing, speed, agility and using hand eye co-ordination. 

    During the session today parents/carers were invited to take part in the fun. It was great to see the parachute being used in so many different ways. The children were able to showcase the skills which they have been learning over the past few weeks. 

  • Healthy School Week - Day 5

    Fri 09 Feb 2018

    Today was our final day of our Healthy School Week and what a great day it was! Year 2 had a special Circle Time about mental health awareness, talking about their emotions and the importance of talking about them to others. 


    There were so many families joining us for a healthy breakfast this morning and then going to the classrooms to participate in reading activities with their children. It was great to see so many of you. We know that the children really love these opportunities to share school with their grown-ups!


    After their reading activities the children went into our special Healthy School Week assembly. It was lovely to see so many parents and carers staying to find out what we have been up to this week.


    Thank you to the Parents and Carers that were able to join their children for breakfast this week. It’s lovely to see so many families making the effort to come in early and enjoy a healthy start to the day together. We know the children have had a fantastic week and learnt so many things about staying healthy.


    We are looking forward to doing it all again next year already!

  • Pancake Lunch

    Fri 09 Feb 2018

    Today as well as the Catering Staff preparing to serve breakfast to a large number of families they also prepared a Special Shrove Tuesday celebration lunch for us!

    As we will not be at next Tuesday which is Shrove Tuesday we enjoyed our Pancakes today.

    Do you know why we have pancakes on Shrove Tuesday children? After half term Mrs MacLauchlan is looking forward to you telling her what you have found out about Shrove Tuesday.

    Watch out for Pancake Races that are taking place! They are great fun but most of all enjoy your pancakes! Mrs MacLauchlan will be squeezing lemon and orange juice onto her pancakes. 

    Have a great half term everyone. We will see you again on Monday 19 February.     

  • Healthy School Week Assembly

    Fri 09 Feb 2018

    Today we shared everything we've learnt in Healthy School Week in assembly.


    The display board behind the stage looked very plain this morning when we started, but it soon started to fill up with all the wonderful things the classes have done and talked about this week.  Before we began we all got nice and warmed up by singing 'I've got a body'.


    We started the assembly off with Class 4 who told us all about the vital organs.  Did you know that the brain sends more messages a day than all the telephones in the world?  Or that the heart beats 115,000 times a day?! 


    Next Class 8 came and told us all about Heart Start.  They showed us what to do if we find someone unconscious and how we can help them.  Mrs MacLauchlan asked the parents if they knew what the school had to help and a parent knew that we have a defibrillator.  Can you spot it behind the reception desk?


    After Class 8, Class 2 came and talked to us about Hygiene.  Chicco the monkey had visited them with a backpack full of things.  The children were able to show him how to keep himself clean by brushing his hair and teeth and  showing him how to wash himself and his clothes.


    After a singing 'Playing, running, skipping, jumping' Class 7 came up to the front and told us all about all the exercises they do to keep themselves healthy and even demonstrated throwing and catching a ball.  Well done! 


    Sticking to the exercise theme Class 3 showed us some of the yoga moves they learnt.  They remembered lots of the animal shapes; cat, dog, snake, stick insect, lion and they all said they felt much more relaxed after the yoga session.  Namaste Class 3.


    Next Class 9 gave us some more information about the different food groups that are on the Eat Well plate.  Children explained what we need to do to eat a balanced and varied diet.


    Catering staff were then called from the kitchen so that we could all say thank you for all their hard work this week.  Some children presented them with some flowers and some chocolates to share.  Thank you very much to everyone who makes all our healthy food every week.


    After singing 'Stick on a Smile'  Class 10 came and told us about the importance of sleep when we are being healthy.  Everyone needs to have a good sleep routine as our brains need time to rest after a busy day.  They told us some great tips to help us get a good nights sleep, like making sure we don't use any electronics for an hour before. reading a book, listening to calm music and doing lots of exercise.


    Class 1 then told us all about Smartie the Penguin and how important it is to stay safe online.  Remember, before you click, click, click, you need to think, think, think and tell someone.


    Class 5 reminded us of the importance of keeping our teeth healthy.  They gave us lots of helpful advice about keeping our teeth strong such as making sure you don't drink too many fizzy drinks, visiting a dentist twice a year and brushing our teeth twice a day.


    Finally Class 6 talked to us about handwashing.  Mr Maksymiw had covered his hands in paint to illustrate how easily germs are spread.  Class 6 told us how important it was to wash our hands after we had been outside, after we had been to the toilet, after touching animals and before eating.  They also showed us how to make sure we wash our hands properly.


    Mrs MacLauchlan then started the draw for the hampers.  Well done to everyone who won.


    We ended the assembly by singing one of our favourite songs, 'Too Many Toffees'.  Doesn't the display board look much more exciting now!

  • Healthy School Week - Day 4

    Thu 08 Feb 2018

    Today has been another really successful day as part of our Healthy School Week.


    It was the final day for the Life Education Centre in our playground. Classes 6 and 4 took part in sessions. Please ask them about their exciting learning.


    The Year 2 children all took part in a Yoga session. Everyone tried really hard to watch what the Yoga lady, Nicola, was doing and we tried hard to copy.  We all found some of the moves a bit tricky, but it was lots of fun! Importantly we learnt about having a healthy mind as well as body. 


    Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed their active Street Dance session today. Please ask them to show you some of their new moves!


    Tomorrow is our last day of Healthy School Week, so please come and join us for breakfast and then reading in the classes.  In the morning we will also have our Healthy School Week assembly. Parents and Carers are more than welcome to join us and find out what the children have been learning about.  We are sure you will be impressed!

  • Healthy School Week - Day 3

    Wed 07 Feb 2018

    Today saw another fantastic turn out of parents/carers coming into school to have a healthy breakfast!

    Again it was great to see so many of you joining your children for reading activities in their classrooms.  


    Class 3, 5, 7 and 8 visited the Life Education Centre today. If your child is in one of these classes, please ask them about their exciting learning. 


    Today the Year 2 children had their turn taking part in a Street Dance session. Again the children had an amazing time and learnt how much fun keeping fit can be. They also learned about and practiced putting each into the recovery position.


    Reception children took part in a relaxing yoga session today. Here they learnt about keeping an active and healthy mind and body. They loved learning new poses. 


    We hope to see as many of you as possible joining us for breakfast tomorrow.  Remember to ask your children what they have been learning about in their classes today.  
