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  • Multi-Sports Parent/Carer Session

    Fri 22 Nov 2019

    It is always great to see parents/carers turn up to join in with the Multi-Sports fun! The children have been building on previous skills learnt such as: Hand eye co-ordination; balance; speed and agility. The children have been able to use these skills during fun and active games.  They have even had the chance to create their own games.


    It was a fantastic chance for the children to be able to showcase all that they have learnt during the past few weeks and play fun and competitive games including an assault course race with their adults.


    Please take a look at the photos below.

  • Christmas Fayre

    Fri 22 Nov 2019

    Yesterday was our Christmas Fayre.  As you can see from the photographs there were lots of lovely stalls selling everything from clothes to cakes! There was even a special visitor! (Thank you for taking some time out of your VERY busy schedule).


    A big thanks to all the stallholders who helped to make this Christmas Fayre a success and a big thank you to everyone who attended and helped to support the school.

  • Bible Presentation

    Mon 18 Nov 2019

    This morning the children in the Reception classes and any children new to the school since our last Bible Presentation received a Bible with their name in. 

    It was a special assembly because Malcolm came and presented a Bible to each child. The Bibles will be kept in the classrooms and the children can look at the pictures and read the stories. As the children move through the school their Bible will go with them and at the end of Year 2 they can take their Bible home.

    We are very grateful to The Bible for Schools scheme that supports us in providing each child with a Bible. As you can see from the photographs the children were very pleased and they were very good at remembering their manners and saying Thank You!       

  • WISA Children In Need Disco 2019

    Thu 14 Nov 2019

    Wow! What a fantastic disco we enjoyed tonight! 

    All the children dressed in their best dancing outfits and attended our annual Children In Need disco. Staff enjoyed the range of dresses, costumes and amazingly colourful footwear. 


    There was plenty of dancing, a musical statues challenge and lots of smiles throughout the evening!


    BJ the DJ had his expert dancing eyes on the children and spotted some for a superb balloon prize, well done children!


    Thank you to all the adults and families who have donated money towards this event and towards Children In Need. Your support for this charity is highly valued!

  • Class 8 Assembly - Dungeons and Dragons

    Thu 14 Nov 2019

    Today Class 8 did their assembly all about the topic they have been learning at school this term, called Dungeons and Dragons.


    They told us lots of information about castles, including the different types of castles (can you name any?) and the different parts of a castle.


    Miss Ellis told us that Class 8 had a banquet!  They made their own bread and listened to some medieval music.  Some of Class 8 showed us a fabulous dance they had made.


    Next we met the King and Queen.  They were very regal!  When you curtsied or bowed to the King and Queen you had to stay there until they told you that you could move!


    We next met some jesters, who did some amazing juggling!  The King found it VERY funny.


    We saw how the Queen spoke to the servants in the castle and then we saw how the knights prepared for battle.  The Captain of the Knights had to be very strict to make sure everyone knew what they were doing!


    Class 8 finished their assembly by singing 'The King is in the Castle'.  Great singing Class 8!  What a great assembly.  Well done!


  • Friendship Afternoon and Odd Socks Day

    Mon 11 Nov 2019

    This afternoon we celebrated Anti bullying week 2019 with our friendship afternoon and Odd Socks Day. Children from reception, year 1 and year 2 visited a different classroom and spent the afternoon with other children from across the school. 


    This year's theme is 'Change Starts With Us'.


    We focused on the odd socks that we were wearing and how that demonstrated how we were all unique as no one had one the same pair! We decided that we can choose how we behave and what we say to others. If we change ourselves to only say kind things and act in a friendly way there would be no bullying in the world! 


    We celebrated how we are each unique by sharing it with our friends. We know that we are all different from each other and being different is interesting and exciting and we would never be unkind to someone for being different. We sang a song that celebrated being unique too!


    We played with our new friends during the afternoon and completed activities together such as friendship bracelets and pictures. We played, shared, laughed and had lots of fun!



  • Class 9 Assembly - Remembrance Day

    Thu 07 Nov 2019

    Today Class 9 talked to us about Remembrance Day.  They explained why on November 11 at 11.00am we have 2 minutes silence to remember the end of World War 1 and how every Remembrance Day is a day to remember all the people who have fought and been injured in wars.


    They told us lots of interesting facts and their reading was excellent.  Well done Class 9. 


    Some of Class 9 put wreaths at the front of the hall just as many people will do at memorials on the 11th. The wreaths look wonderful and all very different.


    Class 9 then sang a song about Remembrance Day and Miss Hussey had some help playing the piano! 


    The assembly was finished with a prayer.  

    Well done Class 9!


  • Year 2 Diwali and Bonfire Craft Afternoon

    Tue 05 Nov 2019

    This afternoon the Year 2 pupils invited their parent/carers into school to take part in some fun Diwali and Bonfire crafts. Everyone had lots of fun and made some super things! 


    Can you remember what we made? 


