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  • End of Year Assembly - Goodbye and Happy Retirement

    Thu 13 Jul 2023

    This morning the whole school met together for our final assembly of the academic year. Mr Squires welcomed us and then Mrs Chuter took over...


    She explained that this time of year always brings mixed emotions especially when we say 'Goodbye' to people. This week we have seen the Year 2 Leavers' assembly to wish them all the very best as they look forward to starting their new junior schools. How exciting! Today we say 'Goodbye' to two members of staff...


    Mrs Farrell has been with us for the year and has been based in Class 3 in EYFS. She has been a fantastic and enthusiastic asset to the team, supporting our pupils with SEND as well as leading social and communication groups in EYFS. She is leaving to take up a new job role. We presented her with a Westfield Bear and gift. Thank you Mrs Farrell for your hard work, we will miss you!


    We also said 'Goodbye' and 'Happy Retirement' to Mr Squires today! The children were reminded that he no longer needs to set his alarm clock - he can have as many lie-ins as he wants now! Mr Squires has been part of the Westfield family for 8 years in total. He joined the team as a teacher many, many years ago for three years and after another job role he then returned five years ago. Mr Squires has been our Headteacher for the past four years and has lead the school through one of the most challenging times for our country - a global pandemic. We thank him for steering our school through Lockdown and his dedication to our school over the years. Thank you also for the tea parties on Friday afternoons!


    We presented Mr Squires with a traditional Westfield card, a much-loved Westfield Bear and a little gift for him to enjoy! To our surprise he presented us with some gifts; a gigantic Connect4 for us to enjoy at lunchtime and for the staff... a new toaster and toastie maker! The children did a brilliant job of surprising him with a song to the tune of our 'Well done' song! Thank you from all of us, we wish you a very happy and long retirement.


    Mr Squires had one last job to do before we left - the Year 1 and Year 2 best class attendance for the whole year. The winning classes were Class 5 and Class 10. Congratulations! Maybe it will be your class next year!


    Finally, we want to say a big 'thank you' to all our children and Westfield families for your continued support over the past year. We hope you have a super Summer break and we will see our new Year 1 and Year 2 children on Tuesday 29th August at 8:45am when we all look forward to welcoming Mrs Ruane as our new Headteacher.


  • Year 2 Sports Day

    Tue 04 Jul 2023

    Today was the eagerly awaited Sports Day for the Year 2's. The children were able to showcase all of the skills which they have learnt over their time at Westfield Infant School. 


    6 teams took part in 6 team events:


    Tug of War

    Cone Throw

    Dodgeball Throw

    Resilience Relay

    Egg and Spoon

    Bag Bounce


    The children were wonderfully behaved and showed brilliant teamwork throughout the events. Well done!


    It was also very pleasing to see all of the adults cheering and supporting the teams. It certainly gave the children that extra boost!


    Finally we'd like to say thank you to Ben for giving us the confidence to succeed.
