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Involving Pupils

Pupils have excellent educational experiences at Westfield Infant School and these give them the opportunity to reach their full potential to ensure that they are very well equipped for the next stage of their education. This is because our practice consistently reflects the highest expectations of staff and the highest aspirations for pupils. These high expectations are throughout the school and include disabled pupils and those with special educational needs.

We believe that whenever possible pupils should be involved in recognising their difficulties and achievements. Considering the age of the pupils at our school their contributions concerning these difficulties and achievements may need to be adapted accordingly.

In practice pupils with special needs and disabilities at our school are encouraged to be involved in the following ways:

  • in discussing their problems, feelings and difficulties with sensitive adults and other pupils
  • in recognising and celebrating their own achievements including using “I can…” statements
  • in commenting on their own progress including using the ‘thumbs’ self-evaluation system to encourage personalised learning
  • signing and having their view recorded in their new Westfield Support Plan so they are aware of their targets and share their completed one to celebrate their successes
  • in participating in ‘whole school life’ this is sometimes funded by Pupil Premium e.g. after school clubs, school council
  • Pupil view on Annual Review
  • Personal Education Plan for Looked After Pupils (Children in Care) include pupil’s voice



For further information see Section 8 of the full version of the SEND Information Report
