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Bible Presentation

During our assembly this morning we were joined by Rev Malcolm Clarke and Anne. They regularly come to lead our assembly but this morning they had a very important job to do. At Westfield Infant School all the children have the opportunity to have a very special illustrated Bible. The Bibles are kept in school for the children to look at and refer to. When a child leaves the school they take the Bible with them so they have it at home.

Malcolm and Anne presented all the Reception pupils and those children in Year 1 and 2 who have joined us since the last presentation with a Bible.

The Bibles are provided at a reduced cost thanks to the Bible for Schools organisation and it is hoped that the children will treasure them for years to come.

As you can see from the photographs the children were very proud to receive the Bibles and were soon looking at them and taking great care as they turned the pages.      
