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  • School Council Bring and Buy Sale

    Fri 28 Feb 2020
    Yesterday the School Council held their annual Bring and Buy Sale.   So far we have raised over £200.00 for the Victorian Bushfire Appeal, which was the charity that the School Council decided they would like to support this year.  Well done School Council, keep up your great work at Westfield Infant School!
  • Boundary Farm Visit

    Thu 27 Feb 2020

    We had a special visit to Boundary Farm this term because as we arrived farmer Richard told us Butterfly the cow was about to give birth! We had to be very quiet and we managed to see the calf being born. Farmer Niamh helped Butterfly by pulling the calf out with some ropes and then Butterfly licked the calf’s face so it could breathe properly. The calf was a girl and would be called Butterfly too. One of the children summed up how we all felt as they said ‘That was incredible!’.

    We also went to visit all the little lambs, there were lots and we got to stroke them. Some were still in a pen for two days and lots were running around the barn. We then got to feed two lambs a warm bottle of milk, they drank it very quickly!

    The farm has some new animals they didn’t have before; pigs! 6 piglets ran around our feet and they liked to have a little nibble of our wellies!

    We got to meet a very friendly chicken and give it a stroke.

    Lastly we had a tour of the milking parlour and learnt how we get milk from cows and the cluster milking unit sucked at our hands.

    We all had a wonderful time, the children asked some great questions and we learnt so much

  • Healthy School Week - Day 5

    Fri 14 Feb 2020

    Today was our final day of our Healthy School Week and what a great day it was!


    There were so many families joining us for a healthy breakfast this morning and then going to the classrooms to participate in reading activities with their children. It was great to see so many of you. We know that the children really love these opportunities to share school with their grown-ups!


    After their reading activities the children went into our special Healthy School Week assembly. 


    We started off with singing I've got a Body and then Class 8 told us how they had learnt all about the skeleton.  Can you remember how many bones are in our bodies?

    Class 10 talked to us about Heart Start.  What a fantastic thing to learn about.  We then sang the song Healthy Heart and next Class 6 came up to the front to tell us about the Street Dance workshop they did.  We watched them demonstrate some of the moves they had learnt and then we watched a short video clip of their dance.  Well done Class 6.  


    After Class 6, Class 1 came and showed us some of the Yoga moves they learnt earlier in the week.  Can you remember any of the Yoga positions?


    Class 7 told us about the importance of brushing our teeth, which was great as we had just sung Too Many Toffees and then Class 9 told us all about the importance of hand washing.  Can you think of any times it is important that we wash our hands?


    We then sang 'If you see somebody without a smile' and then Class 4 told us how they had been enjoying a Laughing Workshop.  They told us how good laughing is for our mental health and then told us a few jokes!  Very funny Class 4!  Next Class 2 told us about Smartie the Penguin and how we can keep ourselves safe online.  


    Our final song was 5-a-day, everyone sang all the songs beautifully.  Thank you!  The last two classes were Class 3 and Class 5.  Class 3 told us how they had learnt where food comes from.  Can you remember what vegetable we need to make chips?  Class 5 told us all they had learnt about healthy eating and showed us some of the plates of food they had made that show a healthy balanced meal.  What a fantastic assembly everyone.  Well done!


    Thank you to the Parents and Carers that were able to join their children for breakfast this week. It’s lovely to see so many families making the effort to come in early and enjoy a healthy start to the day together. We know the children have had a fantastic week and learnt so many things about staying healthy.


    We are looking forward to doing it all again next year already!

  • Healthy School Week - Day 4

    Thu 13 Feb 2020

    Today has been another really successful day as part of our Healthy School Week.


    It was the final day for the Life Education Centre in our playground. Classes 6 and 4 took part in sessions. Please ask them about their exciting learning.


    Today the Year 2 children finally had their turn taking part in a Street Dance session. Again the children had an amazing time and learnt how much fun keeping fit can be. Please ask them to show you some of their new moves!


    Tomorrow is our last day of Healthy School Week, so please come and join us for breakfast and then reading in the classes.  In the morning we will also have our Healthy School Week assembly. Parents and Carers are more than welcome to join us and find out what the children have been learning about.  We are sure you will be impressed!

  • Healthy School Week - Day 3

    Wed 12 Feb 2020

    Today saw another fantastic turn out of parents/carers coming into school to have a healthy breakfast!

    Again it was great to see so many of you joining your children for reading activities in their classrooms.  


    Class 3, 5, 7 and 8 visited the Life Education Centre today. If your child is in one of these classes, please ask them about their exciting learning. 


    Reception and Year 2 took part in a yoga session today. They focused on having a healthy and relaxed mind and body through movement whilst following a story.


    We hope to see as many of you as possible joining us for breakfast tomorrow.  Remember to ask your children what they have been learning about in their classes today.  

  • Healthy School Week - Day 2

    Tue 11 Feb 2020


    We've had another busy and brilliant day for the second day of our Healthy School Week.


    It was lovely to see so many families enjoying a healthy breakfast together again. Many families then joined their children in the classroom to take part in reading activities. The children are really enjoying sharing this time with you. 


    Remember you can come and have breakfast and join in with the reading activities all week!


    Today we were all really excited to see the Life Education Centre arrive on the playground.  All children will have the chance over the next few days to go inside and learn lots of interesting facts about staying healthy. Class 9, 10, 1 and 2 visited the Life Education Centre today. If your child is in one of these classes, please ask them about their exciting learning. 


    Tomorrow morning the Life Education Centre will be holding an information session for parents/carers between 9.00 and 9.15 a.m. This is a fantastic opportunity to find out more about what your child will be learning during his/her visit to the Life Education Centre. We hope to see you there!  


    Today has also been 'Safer Internet Day'. This is a national campaign to explore online safety with the theme 'Free to be me'. We all watched a powerpoint which prompted lots of discussion about what the internet is, which devices can go online and how to keep safe online. EYFS followed up their learning with the story of 'Smartie the Penguin' and Year 1 and 2 continued to learn about Hectors World.   


    Today, the other half of the Year 1 children were very pleased to have a 'Relax Kids' session in the hall.  The children responded well to relaxation techniques and had a lot of fun too! See if they can teach you any to do as a family. They learnt that being healthy isn't just about what you eat and exercising, it's so important to be relaxed and happy too. There was a focus on how having a range of feelings and emotions is normal and having strategies to recognise and deal with our emotions is important to keep us mentally healthy.


    In their classes the children have again been learning all about different aspects of staying healthy.  Why don't you ask them to tell you what they have been doing today?


    For more e-safety information please click the following link:

  • Healthy School Week - Day 1

    Mon 10 Feb 2020

    We have had a fantastic start to Healthy School Week today. Breakfast in school started at 7.45am and lots of families enjoyed eating together. This was followed by Family Reading in every class. This is an opportunity for adults to go to the classrooms with their children and join in with reading activities. Parents/Carers of Reception pupils were invited to look at the Learning Journeys too. This opportunity will continue every morning this week between 8.15 and 9.10 a.m. Please do come in off the playground with your child for 10 minutes if you are able to do so. 


    In every classroom the children have been working on various activities to promote health for life. Across the week children will be covering many topics including: the importance how to care for themselves well including hand washing, teeth brushing and bug busting, different forms of exercise and the effects this has on the body, a healthy a nutritional diet and the effects on the body, safety including both road and internet safety, first aid, the importance of sleep, mental health and happiness.  If you ask your child they should be able to tell you what an exciting day of learning they have had. The photographs might also help to remind them!


    Today, half of the Year 1 children were very pleased to have a 'Relax Kids' session in the hall.  The children responded well to relaxation techniques and had a lot of fun too! See if they can teach you any to do as a family. They learnt that being healthy isn't just about what you eat and exercising, it's so important to be relaxed and happy too. There was a focus on how having a range of feelings and emotions is normal and having strategies to recognise and deal with our emotions is important to keep us mentally healthy.


    Year 1 children all took part in a Street Dance lesson today! It was so much fun and fantastic exercise! By the end the children could dance a whole routine and did really well at keeping in time with the music. Year 1 and Year 2 will also have this opportunity later in the week.


    Tomorrow morning the Life Education Centre will be arriving. We are really looking forward to continuing our learning!
