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Involving Parents and Carers

The majority of pupils with learning difficulties will have their special educational needs suitably addressed by arrangements in mainstream school. However, where despite continuing intervention a pupil continues to experience a much higher level of difficulty than their peers in making progress, the school will then seek advice from our designated Educational Psychologist (with parent/carer agreement) and refer the pupil to the Local Authority (LA) for ‘SEND intervention’ Funding or a statutory assessment of their special needs. This may lead the LA deciding to share formal responsibility with the school for meeting the pupil’s needs through an Education, Health and Care Plan. This information is shared with parents/carers at each stage with their points of view encouraged.

If your child does need an Education, Health Care Plan this is reviewed annually in addition to the termly Westfield Support Plan.


On-going support  

  • If your child needs assessing by an outside agency, e.g. Educational Psychology, we will support you in liaising with the service and share any follow up reports
  • We support parent/carers to complete any paperwork or share contact details of organisations that can help you
  • Pupils with a Health, Education and Care Plan or a specific need for additional communication can have a Home-School Contact book which parents/carers are encouraged to use
  • We also recognise that to make a difference we need to support your own parental and learning skills so you can pass this on to your child. The school hosts a number of Information sessions. This helps parents/carers feel confident when supporting their child. If relevant, resources are provided to support targets on pupils’ Westfield Support Plans.
  • Homework packs are provided for pupils during school closure periods; these are adapted to meet the needs of the pupils
  • Our school website and Dojo app is effective in supporting communication for all groups. 
  • Newsletters  (include dates for the term and general information)
  • Letters 
  • Text Messaging Service
  • Facebook
  • online platforms
  • Governors send a termly newsletter home
  • Use of noticeboards  (weekly diary of events, reminders and useful information)
  • All pupils have a book bag and an individual pupil reading contact book is kept in it. Staff make comments and it would be great if you can comment on reading at home.
  • The school operates an 'Open Door' policy. Support staff are at the doors each morning to greet families and assist with any queries. At the end of the school day teaching staff take pupils to the outside exit doors and are available to see parents/carers as required.  The Headteacher and SENDCo is available for both informal and formal discussions. 
  • Providing information about SENDIASS (Support which is available  e.g. completing paperwork for statutory assessment referral)


Parents/Carers have a close and open relationship with staff and any issues are investigated and information reported back to parents/carers promptly. For the complaints procedure see the Complaints Policy (see section 9 of the full version of the SEND Information Report)


For further information see Section 7 and Section 10 of the full version of the SEND Information Report

