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Towers, Tunnels and Turrets - Year 2

What an incredible afternoon in Year 2! Pupils and their parents/carers were set numerous challenges linked to their recent unit Towers, Tunnels and Turrets. Pupils were required to use and apply their learnt knowledge and share this with their adults. The challenges were fun and it was fantastic to see and hear the interaction in each classroom. So what were these challenges?

The Biscuit Challenge - Can you remember which biscuit was the strongest to make the best bridge? Could you carry on investigating other biscuits that you have at home?

Marshmallow and Dry Spaghetti Bridge Challenge - Were YOU able to use the allocated resources to create a strong and stable bridge? How many books did yours hold?

Sugar Cube Tower Challenge - How tall was your tower? Can you beat your record number of cubes at home?

Creative Bridge Challenge - What did you use as inspiration for your bridge? Did you use any of the features we've looked at in our lessons?

Towers, Tunnels and Turrets Quiz - An opportunity to share pupils' work with their adults; pupils were set a number of questions in the form of pictures to quiz them on their knowledge of our topic. Which tower stands in France? Where is the leaning tower of Pisa? What is Isambard Kingdom Brunel famous for? Why are concentric walls better than straight walls? How many different microhabitats can you name and match the correct animal to?


Thank you to EVERYONE who managed to attend - once again the pupils loved having you in school to share in their learning!

