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  • Sister Rose and Santhi Goodbye Assembly

    Wed 02 Oct 2013

    Well, today was the day we said 'Goodbye' to our special visitors - Sister Rose and Santhi who have been in England for 9 days! To mark the end of their visit we held a special Whole School Assembly complete with a special guest - Mr Andrew Childs. Mr Childs shared a fantastic PPT which showed all the amazing work that has taken place over the last few years at St. Mathias and St. Francis Schools in Pondicherry with the overwhelming suppport of Westfield Infant School and other Schools in the Hinckley area.  From new clothes to school desks and benches, from a Science Lab to a Library, Mr Childs effectively presented life at School in Pondicherry which held everyones attention.  These photographs are currently being used in the Year 1 and 2 Geography Curriculum.  

    Mrs MacLauchlan explained some of the exciting adventures that Sister Rose and Santhi have experienced during their time here; visiting London including Buckingham Palace, Chatsworth House, County Hall, a number of Hinckley Secondary Schools, past pupils at Westfield Junior School and observing lessons at Westfield Infant School to name but a few! (Why not check out our other Latest News!) Mrs MacLauchlan then explained that our sponsorship for Gowri had come to an end as a result of her finishing her studies and achieveing the highest grades in her year, which is super!  She introduced our new sponsored student Shilpah and shared a photograph and letter.  We'll be updating our board as soon as we get more information about Shilpah, so keep a look out!

    On behalf of Santhi and the staff and pupils of St. Mathias and St. Francis, Sister Rose shared a few words to express her sincere thanks to Mr Childs, Mr Nevett, Mrs MacLachlan and Mrs Fox.  She presented Mrs MacLauchlan and Mrs Fox each with a garland.

    Special thanks to Mrs Fox for accommodating Sister Rose and Santhi over the past 9 days - I'm sure she's learnt a lot about the art of making beautiful curry dishes.

    Thank you also to ALL staff for your flexibility and change to timetables to enable our visitors to gain as much of an insight into our teaching strategies, curriculum coverage and school systems as possible. I know that the pupils have completed some superb work about Pondicherry and they relished in sharing their knowledge about Westfield and having the opportunity to ask our visitors thoughtful questions. - Mrs Leeson

    Remember it won't be long until some of the staff from Westfield travel to India to meet pupils and staff in Pondicherry...keep checking the Website for further details!

  • Harvest Festival

    Tue 01 Oct 2013

    This morning we held our Harvest Assembly for Year 1 and Year 2. The front of the stage  soon filled with a wonderful selection of tins, packets, fruit, vegetables and some delicious looking cakes!

    Year 1 and 2 told us about the meaning of Harvest and how important water is.
    Mrs MacLauchlan reminded us of how lucky we are that we can get fresh drinking water from our taps. In some countries there is a shortage of water and in a lot of countries the water is not clean enough to drink. Sister Rose has warned Mrs MacLauchlan and Mrs Leeson that they might not be able to have a shower every day when they are visiting India because the water regularly runs out and they often have power cuts so there is no electricity to heat the water.

    Year 2 performed a play about the Enormous Turnip and we also sang some Harvest Songs.

    During the afternoon there was a Harvest Sale and the raffle was drawn.  A big thank you to everyone who has supported the Harvest. All the money raised will be presented to Westfield Branch of Age Concern and will be used to provide them with a very special Christmas lunch. The total raised today was £295.64! Another great Westfield effort.

    The Reception classes had a special Harvest Curriculum morning which was a great opportunity for parents/carers to see the children at work in their classrooms. Look out for photographs of this event.       
