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  • Healthy School Week - Day 2

    Tue 06 Feb 2018

    We've had another busy and brilliant day for the second day of our Healthy School Week.


    It was lovely to see so many families enjoying a healthy breakfast together again. Many families then joined their children in the classroom to take part in reading activities. The children are really enjoying sharing this time with you. 


    Remember you can come and have breakfast and join in with the reading activities all week!


    Today we were all really excited to see the Life Education Centre arrive on the playground.  All children will have the chance over the next few days to go inside and learn lots of interesting facts about staying healthy. Class 9, 10, 1 and 2 visited the Life Education Centre today. If your child is in one of these classes, please ask them about their exciting learning. 


    Tomorrow morning the Life Education Centre will be holding an  information session for parents/carers between 9.00 and 9.15 a.m. This is a fantastic opportunity to find out more about what your child will be learning during his/her visit to the Life Education Centre. We hope to see you there!  


    The day began with most of us thinking about 'Safer Internet Day' This year the focus was  'Create, Connect and Share Respect: A better internet starts with you.' We all heard a story about monsters sharing a picture online for a school competition. Another monster commented something unkind about it. We had lots of discussion about what they should do. Luckily the monsters knew how to report it after speaking with their grownups and teachers at school.We linked our learning to our school Acceptable Use Policy 'Only use kind words online'.


    Also today the Year 1 children were very pleased to have a 'Relax Kids' session in the hall.  The children responded well to relaxation techniques and had a lot of fun too! See if they can teach you any to do as a family. They learnt that being healthy isn't just about what you eat and exercising, it's so important to be relaxed and happy too. 


    In their classes the children have again been learning all about different aspects of staying healthy.  Why don't you ask them to tell you what they have been doing today?


  • Healthy School Week - Day 1

    Mon 05 Feb 2018

    We have had a fantastic start to Healthy School Week today. Breakfast in school started at 7.45am and lots of families enjoyed eating together. This was followed by Family Reading in every class from 8.15am onwards. This is an opportunity for adults to go to the classrooms with their children and join in with reading activities. Parents/Carers of Reception pupils were invited to look at the Learning Journeys too. This opportunity will continue every morning this week between 8.15 and 9.15 a.m. Please do come in off the playground with your child for 10 minutes if you are able to do so. 


    In every classroom the children have been working on various activities to promote health for life. Across the week children will be covering many topics including: the importance how to care for themselves well including hand washing, teeth brushing and bug busting, different forms of exercise and the effects this has on the body, a healthy a nutritional diet and the effects on the body, safety including both road and internet safety, first aid, the importance of sleep, mental health and happiness.  If you ask your child they should be able to tell you what an exciting day of learning they have had. The photographs might also help to remind them!


    Reception children all took part in a Street Dance lesson today! It was so much fun and fantastic exercise! By the end the children could dance a whole routine and did really well at keeping in time with the music.


    This afternoon we were all lucky enough to see the Change 4 Life Show. The children learnt lots of important messages about living a healthy lifestyle. The show was very entertaining as there were lots of magic tricks throughout! Children were able to recall the very important messages about eating food from each food group: carbohydrates, dairy, protein, fruit and vegetables as well as just a few treats from fats and sugars. They were shocked at how much fat was in a bag of crisps and how much sugar was in a can of fizzy pop. 


    Tomorrow morning the Life Education Centre will be arriving. We are really looking forward to continuing our learning!

  • Super Hero day Year 1

    Fri 02 Feb 2018



    Have you found yourself in a muddle? Are you in need of any help? Do you need saving from a terribly awful Super Villain?...


    ...the Year 1 children at Westfield Infant School are here to help! 


    Today at Westfield Infant School the Year 1 children had a chance to dress up as a Super Hero! We have been looking at super heroes as a curriculum focus this half term and it has been very engaging. The children have researched and learnt about real life super heroes such as; nurses, policemen, firemen, vets, doctors and even teachers! We aimed some of our learning at a Super Hero from the past called Florence Nightingale.


    Can you remember what she did? Who she helped? What changes she made that saved so many lives?


    Our topic 'Super Heros' also gave the children a chance to discuss the super heroes they have seen on t.v or read about in comics and books alike. They were able to focus their huge enthusiasm for this topic towards their writing in our English and created some fantastic independent stories about a certain hero called 'Supertato'!


    Can you tell your grown-ups all about your very own Supertato story and how he defeated the evil Super Villain!


    During our 'Super Hero Day' the children took part in activities such as; Super Hero Circle Time, Super Hero Arts and Crafts and Super Hero Movement! All in all it was a fantastic day that the children loved taking part in. A big thank you for all the help at home for creating the fantastic Super Hero outfits and completing the homework to build the excitment for the learning.


    Please see the pictures below!

  • PIRATE DAY Year 2

    Thu 01 Feb 2018

    A-HA Me Harties!!!

    What a fun adventure the children have had today! They all arrived at school in their pirate costumes and full of excitment about the day ahead!

    We started the day with a 'Code Cracking' Maths lesson. We had to use our maths skills to work our the pirate phrases.


    Children -

    Can you remember some of the Pirate Phrases you found?

    After a blow out in the playground we set sail on a voyage in our English lesson to find a Treasure Island. We found the island BUT our ship got damaged and we were STRANDED! We decided the best way to get some help was to write a message in a bottle.

    Children -

    Can you remember what we had to include in the message?


    After a hearty lunch we made it back to our classes for some pirate singing and dancing! 

    Can you remember the songs we sang?

    We then learned about the history of pirate flags and designed our own.

    Can you remember what it means if there is a an hourglass with wings on a flag?


    Finally we all took part in a fabulous treasure hunt in the Trim Trail. We had to find the clues and work out what the answer was before we moved to the next place on the map. We visited each place until we reached the place where X marked the spot and found the treasure. 

    After our long hunt we were all exhausted so we went back to our classrooms and had a rock, hard biscuit.

    Can you remember what we had to tap out of the biscuits before we ate them? 


    Well done for all being a fantastic crew!





  • Class 2 Assembly - People Who Help Us

    Thu 01 Feb 2018

    This morning Class 2 told us all about people who help us.  Doctors, dentists, firefighters, teachers, cleaners, bus drivers, cooks and police officers.


    They told us about the things they do to help us and then sang a song all about it.


    Well done Class 2 on your very first assembly!

