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A-HA Me Harties!!!

What a fun adventure the children have had today! They all arrived at school in their pirate costumes and full of excitment about the day ahead!

We started the day with a 'Code Cracking' Maths lesson. We had to use our maths skills to work our the pirate phrases.


Children -

Can you remember some of the Pirate Phrases you found?

After a blow out in the playground we set sail on a voyage in our English lesson to find a Treasure Island. We found the island BUT our ship got damaged and we were STRANDED! We decided the best way to get some help was to write a message in a bottle.

Children -

Can you remember what we had to include in the message?


After a hearty lunch we made it back to our classes for some pirate singing and dancing! 

Can you remember the songs we sang?

We then learned about the history of pirate flags and designed our own.

Can you remember what it means if there is a an hourglass with wings on a flag?


Finally we all took part in a fabulous treasure hunt in the Trim Trail. We had to find the clues and work out what the answer was before we moved to the next place on the map. We visited each place until we reached the place where X marked the spot and found the treasure. 

After our long hunt we were all exhausted so we went back to our classrooms and had a rock, hard biscuit.

Can you remember what we had to tap out of the biscuits before we ate them? 


Well done for all being a fantastic crew!




