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Super Hero day Year 1



Have you found yourself in a muddle? Are you in need of any help? Do you need saving from a terribly awful Super Villain?...


...the Year 1 children at Westfield Infant School are here to help! 


Today at Westfield Infant School the Year 1 children had a chance to dress up as a Super Hero! We have been looking at super heroes as a curriculum focus this half term and it has been very engaging. The children have researched and learnt about real life super heroes such as; nurses, policemen, firemen, vets, doctors and even teachers! We aimed some of our learning at a Super Hero from the past called Florence Nightingale.


Can you remember what she did? Who she helped? What changes she made that saved so many lives?


Our topic 'Super Heros' also gave the children a chance to discuss the super heroes they have seen on t.v or read about in comics and books alike. They were able to focus their huge enthusiasm for this topic towards their writing in our English and created some fantastic independent stories about a certain hero called 'Supertato'!


Can you tell your grown-ups all about your very own Supertato story and how he defeated the evil Super Villain!


During our 'Super Hero Day' the children took part in activities such as; Super Hero Circle Time, Super Hero Arts and Crafts and Super Hero Movement! All in all it was a fantastic day that the children loved taking part in. A big thank you for all the help at home for creating the fantastic Super Hero outfits and completing the homework to build the excitment for the learning.


Please see the pictures below!
