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  • Year 1 Visit to St Mary's Church

    Thu 12 Mar 2020

    Year 1 enjoyed a lovely walk to St Marys Church this afternoon. 


    The purpose of our visit was for the children to understand the significance of a church to Christians as a special building to meet in, worship and learn about God.


    Before our visit we talked about who has been to a Church before?  How was it the same/different to what we may see at St Marys?  What clues can you see that you are inside a church?  When would you go/come to church?.


    Can you have a think back to the occasions when people might visit a Church?


    When we arrived at the Church a lovely lady called Bev pointed out the special features, signs, symbols and artefacts that can be seen in St. Mary's. Have a look through the photos and see if you can remember any of these...the alter, cross, font, lectern, pulpit.


    Do you remember the special name of the seats we sat in. That's right, pews! The fact that the Church has pews will in itself command respect as they will know they are in a special place and will need to look forwards!


    The building was absolutely beautiful and all the children were in awe of it. Bev told us all that we are welcome back whenever we want, so please if you want to find out more about the Church or God and Jesus then pop into St Marys!


    Bev also commented on how well the children behaved and that they were a credit to their school and families, so well done all! 

  • Class 2 Assembly - Goldilocks and the 3 Bears

    Thu 12 Mar 2020

    Today was Class 2's first class assembly.  Mrs Wood told us how Class 2 had been learning about traditional tales, stories that have been passed down from generation to generation.  Class 2 all told us how traditional tales start - 'Once upon a time'...


    We then met Goldilocks and the 3 bears, Daddy Bear, Mummy Bear and Baby Bear and they acted the story.  Daddy Bear was VERY growly!  After the story Mrs Wood told us how Class 2 had made their own porridge using Mummy Bears recipe.  They read out the recipe and showed us how to make it.  Everyone in Class 2 had tried the porridge when they made it and nearly everyone liked it!


    After the porridge, Class 2 showed us some books they had made for their book corner, retelling the story in different ways.  


    Mrs Wood then introduced some children who had made chair models in class and they described what they had designed.  Everyone in Class 2 then showed one of their fantastic paintings and they finished by asking the whole school to join them singing 'When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears'.


    What an absolutely fabulous assembly Class 2!  Great acting, reading, painting, modelling and singing!  Well done! 


    'And they all lived happily ever after'


    If you missed it you can watch it here:

  • World Book Day

    Thu 05 Mar 2020

    Today everyone at Westfield Infant School have been celebrating World Book Day.  There has been lots of learning and fun this morning in school with everyone dressed as their favourite book characters.  


    In the afternoon we were visited by the local author Claire Cope who talked to us about her book 'Veronica and the Magic Spell Book'.

    Can you remember the name of Veronica's pet? 


    She told us how she dreamed of being an author one day and wrote a book when she was at school.

    Can you remember how old she was?


    After a few years she found her book and the children in her class encouraged her to try and get it published. After lots of persevering her dream came true and her book was published and sold in lots of shops! 


    We learnt to never give up on our dreams and to keep trying to make it come true. 


    The Year Two children were very lucky as Claire asked them for some help. She has been asked to write a new book and needed some help to think of some ideas! Claire was very impressed with the children's ideas and how creative and imaginative they were. 

    Well done Year Two!


    We have all had such a wonderful day celebrating Authors, Illustrators, Books and of course Readers!


    This Years theme is 'share a story'. Even if it is just for a few minutes, sharing a story is such a special thing to do with someone.


    Who will your share your next story with?  


    Thank you to all the grown ups for your support with this day. 



  • Hinckley Librarian Visit

    Tue 03 Mar 2020

    This morning we had a visit from the local Librarian, Emma, who works at Hinckley Library. She came into Westfield Infant School to talk to us about World Book Day. Can you remember when it is? 




    She reminded us about our free book token which we can use in any book shop to get a FREE book until the end March!


    We were lucky enough to hear one of them as Emma read us the story 'Supertatoe!' We all joined in with the actions and loved the story! 


    Emma also asked us these questions, Can you tell your grown ups?


    What is your favourite book? 


    Who are you coming as on World Book Day?


    A big thank you to Emma for coming to see us and well done children for listening so well. 





