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  • Chicks have arrived

    Mon 22 Feb 2021

    This morning 10 eggs arrived at the school and are in an incubator keeping warm, where children will have the opportunity to visit the eggs over the next few days. The eggs should hatch on Wednesday or Thursday (24th and 25th February) and children will be able to see them again after hatching. The chicks will stay with us for two weeks, keep checking on the link below for updates!


  • Safer Internet Day

    Tue 09 Feb 2021

    Today is Safer Internet day day which is a national campaign to help children stay safe whilst using the internet.


    In school and as part of home learning, children at Westfield Infant school have been talking about the internet and discussing how to stay safe.


    Children in EYFS have been on an adventure with 'Smartie the Penguin' and have learnt a special rhyme to remind them what to do when using the internet- 'Before you tap and click, STOP and Think and TELL someone'


    In Year 1 and Year 2 they have been following the story of Hector in 'Hectors World', learning all about personal information - what it is and when to share it. Year 2 also looked at the story of 'Detective Digiduck' and how the internet can be full of false information. They even made up their own incorrect facts to share with their friends who guessed if they were real or not!


    To learn more tips to stay safe online and support children using devices at home - please click our e-safety section on our website.

