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Year 2 Street Detectives

What a fabulous afternoon! Parents/Carers were invited into school to create a 3D community map with their children. Following our walk around Hinckley we identified different buildings and their purposes. We used this information to choose and make a model of a variety of houses and buildings. We then placed them on a huge 3D map in the hall and each class map looked amazing. Back in the classroom we had a quiz about human and physical features around our local area. Next time you are out and about with your child see if they can tell you any human and physical features (human – house, sign, traffic lights / physical – grass, trees). We would love it if you and your child could draw their route to school as a 2D map. Why not bring it into school to share with the rest of the class? Have you got a good way to remember North, East, South and West?
