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Year 1 Outdoor Adventures

The Year 1 Outdoor Adventure Evening was a great success.  The parents, carers and children took part in three different activities in the school grounds.  First in the trim trail they had to build a den using the available materials and then it was tested to see it was waterproof, with them inside it.  As you can imagine some people got very wet!

Next it was off to the hall to try their hand at some circus skills under the watchful eye of Mr Burrows. It was great fun!

Finally on the patio there was an opportunity to practice their ball skills.  We all had a great time and as a treat we had a hotdog and a drink.

You could have a go at making a den at home and also have a go at juggling like in the circus.  Tell your teacher how you get on.  Reception children look out for this amazing adventure next year!
