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Visit from Julia Jarman

What a wonderful day the children have had! During assembly they met a 'real life' author Julia Jarman. She began by showing us the many books she has written. Some of which are familiar to the children as each class has contributed to a display around her book titles. Julia was very impressed when she saw the children's artwork!

Julia shared with us one of our favourite stories written by her 'Big Red Bath'. We all loved listening to Julia read it and we were fascinated to find out how she got her ideas for the book. Julia then taught us her 'cross song' from her book 'Class 3 Went To Sea'. We all enjoyed singing along with actions too!

After the assembly Year 1 children had fun completing lots of activities around Julia's story 'Big Blue Train'. 

Julia spent the rest of her day working in Year 2. She spent time in each class talking to the children about how she gets her ideas, planning stories and writing them. The children then spent time getting ideas together to write their own stories.

Finally at the end of the day lots of children visited the book sale and purchased Julia Jarman books and these lucky children were able to get them signed by the author!

For information:
Sunday 23rd March at the MAC Birmingham there is a live performance of 'Big Red Bath'. For tickets see the link below
