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Stickman Assembly

Today Classes 1,2,3 and 7 treated us to an assembly all about Stick Man.


This term classes 1,2,3 and 7 have been learning about Julia Donaldson stories.  We learnt how Julia Donaldson is an author and her books are illustrated by Axel Sheffler.  Some children told us what their favourite Julia Donaldson books are.


They sang two songs in the assembly.  Where is Stick Man?  and a song all about the different things Stick Man becomes in the story.  The singing was excellent!


Some children showed us their family trees and told us who was in their families.


Stick Man was not all about the story in Class 3 and they showed us how they had used their stick men to measure height and weight and compare them.  Well done!


Finally Mrs Wood told us all about the amazing writing everyone did after they came back from the Stick Man Trip.  We heard one recount of the trip and then some children told us all about their favourite parts. (Climbing trees sounds so much fun!).


Thank you Reception for a fantastic assembly.  If you didn't manage to attend the assembly, you can see it here!
