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Stick Man Trip - Day 1

Today we went on our Stick Man and what a great time we had!


We visited Stick Man's house and climbed all over the branches, we loved doing this and some children got really high!


We all found a stick and used in lots of ways just like Stick Man was in the story. We used it to draw things in the sand, as a bow and arrow, threw it to see how far it would go and as a bat to hit a ball. 


In the Afternoon we went on a journey through the woods to see what we could find. We found the Gruffalo's cave, we had a paddle in the stream, played pooh sticks over the bridge, explored some old fallen down trees and we ran up and down lots of hills!


The children got a little bit muddy (sorry grown-ups) but we all had so much fun. Some children were very sleepy on the coach on the way home.


Well done to all the children on the trip you were all so well behaved and the grown ups were so impressed :)
