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Project Paddington 'Children sending cuddles and kindness'

This morning we found out about Project Paddington. This is a brilliant idea and Westfield Infant School would like to get involved and bring a smile to the faces of some children who are currently feeling very sad.

It is very simple all you need to do is choose a teddy or soft toy from home that you are prepared to say goodbye to OR maybe buy a new one. You can choose a name and write a message to the child who will receive this gift.

Bring it to the Entrance Area and put it in the box that is labelled Project Paddington. You need to bring it into school by Friday 18 September 2015. Your special gift will then be taken to France and given to a refugee child who has had to leave his/her home and does not currently have any toys to play with.

The adults who are going to France from Hinckley will also be taking nappies, clothes, medicine and basic supplies for children and babies. If any adults would like to contribute funding to help this project please send your donation to the office marked Project Paddington donation.

Many thanks in advance for supporting this project. 

