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Mrs MacLauchlan and Brumas tell us about their trip to India

We had an exciting assembly this morning when Mrs MacLauchlan and Brumas Bear gave us a brief update of their visit to Southern India over half term.

Can you remember which transport she used to get there? How long did it take? She explained why the website write-ups were very detailed and showed many photos of the different schools she had visited. Do you remember that we are collecting evidence for the re-accreditation of the International Schools Award? We learnt that Mr Nevett was also every interested in this visit and wanted to update the adults supporting the Nevett Fund.

Mrs MacLauchlan read aloud a letter from a past pupil sending good wishes to the teachers and pupils he remembered. She explained that it was a lovely surprise and fantastic opportunity to meet up with him and his family. Can you remember what he had to do at 6.30am in the morning before he even went to school?

We were shown some photographs of our sponsor students (Sathish, Santhosh, Aishwarya) and reminded that they stay at the  Jisu Niketan hostel and go to the Primary School that Father Dominic teaches at. This place was very special to Mrs MacLauchlan. Can you remember the name of your year group sponsor student? All of our sponsor students including Mrs MacLauchlans were all so pleased to meet her and Brumas. They were very happy despite having to sleep on the hard floor of the hostel. Can you remember where the children keep their belongings? We were shocked to hear that before the children even started their lessons they were up at 5:30am each morning to complete their chores - washing, tidying and cleaning. They look very smart in their uniform and they take responsibility for their own clothes. We were reminded as a school that without the sponsor money that these children receive, they probably wouldn’t be in school. The money keeps them in school and allows them to stay at the hostel, which is really important at such a young age.

We were told that Mrs MacLauchlan visited the Nursery, Primary and Secondary School in Pondicherry called St. Mathuias. This is the school that Sister Rose is the head teacher of. Mrs MacLauchlan, Mrs Leeson, Mrs Parkes, Mrs Dakin, Mrs Guest and Miss Hamilton have all visited here over the past five years. The photographs of the pupils sitting on the courtyard were lovely to see particularly as we were reminded of past fundraising that helped to transform this previously unsuitable area. In the summer time the muddy dust would blow everywhere and during the monsoon season the rain would flood it making it wet and sludgy. What an incredible difference this eco-friendly surface has made to the pupils who can be seen drinking their mid-morning milk sat down. Can you remember how the milk was delivered and served and what the children drank it from?

It was great to see the new classroom that we raised money for as well, with tables and colourful plastic chairs. This was compared to Father Dominic’s school. The pupils there have to work on the floor because there are no tables and chairs.

Gifts were presented to staff which included Miss Hussey who has been set the challenge of putting together a vina – one of the three instruments Mrs MacLauchlan and Brumas found for her. Recycling is slowly being introduced so all Mrs MacLauchlan’s gifts were wrapped in newspaper. Some beautiful clay vegetables were also bought and match some of the vegetables that are in the vegetable samba recipe that Mrs MacLauchlan found. Mrs MacLauchlans favourite dish was  kingfish served with a vegetable curry. She showed us some of the beautiful garlands, necklaces and shawls that matched her very smart outfit which she bought in India.

Can you remember Brumas’ little adventure at the end of the visit? Shhhhhh! We can see that Rowland was VERY pleased to see him back at school!

Mrs MacLauchlan talked to Radio Leicester all about her trip. You will be able to listen to this on Saturday 2 March at 7.00 a.m.
