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Mr and Mrs Harrison visit Year 1

Today Mr and Mrs Harrison came into school to tell Year 1 children about the toys they played with when they were children. This talk links with our Memory Box topic where we are thinking about our own memories as well as learning about other people's memories from the past. 


Mrs Harrison had dolls that were made with cloth bodies and a pot face. She had to be careful because she did not have carpets in her house so if she dropped her dolls they would break. She had a dolls house which was made out of cardboard not wood (there was not much spare wood around because of the war). She only had a little bit of furniture to go in it that someone made for her out of scraps of wood. Mrs Harrison could play skipping games where the skipping rope would be across the road because not many people had cars when she was little. 


Mr Harrison had a toy fort and lots of soldiers that were made of metal and painted. He also had a clockwork train that moved around the track when you wound it up. Mr Harrison showed us how to play ‘snobs’ with stones and how to spin a top.


We really enjoyed listening to Mr and Mrs Harrison and learning about toys from the past.
