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Mablethorpe - Day 1

What an exciting day Year 2 had today! Two coaches left school early in the morning heading for sunny Mablethorpe and it really was sunny when we got there!

After arriving at the Centre we had a quick drink and then we headed for the beach where we had great fun playing in the sand, paddling in the sea and eating our packed lunch. After lunch The Beach Train picked up the first group up and we had a ride all the way along the beach and back again. We went into the sea and we were waving at everyone we saw on the beach! We then went right along the beach in the other direction and got dropped off near the Seal Sanctuary. The train then went to pick the next group up. 

We spent a very exciting afternoon at The Seal Sanctuary and saw the seals that each class has adopted. The afternoon went very quickly as there was so much to see. It was then time for the Day Group to return home and the Residential group to walk back along the beach to the centre.

Watch out for the next article with more photographs and information about the Year 2 trips!   
