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Mablethorpe Assembly

It was great this morning to see so many parents/carers joining us for our assembly. They wanted to hear all about the Year 2 trip to Mablethorpe and the day trip to The Wharf!

The children have done some fantastic writing about the trip and a few of them shared their work. They had remembered everything about the 2 days in great detail!

Mrs MacLauchlan then had some certificates to give out and some special awards. Everyone had a special treat, including all the adults. It was a pity Mrs Fox was still on holiday and could not join us but Brumas collected her certificate and treat (yum, yum)!

There was a final award for 4 very lucky children because they were all presented with a seal to take home and look after.

Well done to everyone for wonderful behaviour during the 2 days and for representing the school so well. Thank you to the parents/careers for supporting the trip and for all your positive comments. Your children were a pleasure to be with.
