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Library Assembly

Mr Harries and Miss Johnson enthusiastically told us all about the Summer Reading Challenge..


This years theme is 'Mischief Makers' and is based in Beanotown!


To take part all you have to do is head to the local library and sign up! You then need to read or share 6 books throughout the summer holidays.

There are exclusive rewards to collect along the way, and best of all it’s FREE to take part!


REMEMBER - when you sign up to add the name of THIS school on the registration- even if you are leaving us this year! - We could win a prize for the school if we have the most children that COMPLETE the Summer Reading Challenge this year!


During the assembly we also said a huge THANK YOU to our 'Bookworm' volunteers - we have been so grateful for them giving up their spare time to come into school and hear children read, which has been of great benefit to the children. 



For more information about the summer reading challenge head to the local library or click the following link


