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India update

Sunday evening-spent the evening with Sister Rose and Mother Superior. She showed us around the convent which she shares  with 30 sisters. There was a beautiful chapel that had survived the flood damage but other areas were going to need some repairs. We had fun trying to get around the top floor in the dark because the electricity was not safe. Brumas clung on tight because he was a little bit afraid. Mrs Parkes had a torch on her phone and came to the rescue. 

Monday-we went to Mathias Primary School. We had a very important job to do and that was to cut the ribbon to officially open the new playground. The welcome we got was amazing with fantastic singing and dancing. 

The classes we taught in were upper primary with pupils aged 9-10, 10-11, and 11-12 years. The children were delighted with their whiteboards.They practised writing on the lines using their letter sounds. One class had remembered all the sound work they had done with Miss Hamilton and Mrs Guest even doing the action and Makaton signs. When it got cooler we were able to go outside onto the wonderful new playground. As you can see the children really enjoyed their new play time games! Don't forget to look at the blog and ask us any questions. Would love to hear from you as we are missing you all.

