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Healthy School Week - Day 4

Today has been another really successful day as part of our Healthy School Week.


It was the final day for the Life Education Centre in our playground. Classes 6 and 4 took part in sessions. Please ask them about their exciting learning.


Today the Year 2 children had their turn taking part in a Street Dance session. Again the children had an amazing time and learnt how much fun keeping fit can be. Please ask them to show you some of their new moves!


This afternoon Year 2 took part in a Cadent gas Carbon monoxide workshop. The children all learnt about this poisonous gas that you cannot see, hear, smell, taste or touch. After exploring places where this gas can be released from (children, can you remember them?), there were some drama activities linked to our new learning.

Children will be bringing home a Carbon Monoxide detector this week. Please position this in close proximity to one of the following: a gas boiler, gas hob/oven, wood burning/gas fire. 


Tomorrow is our last day of Healthy School Week, so please come and join us for breakfast and then reading in the classes. In the morning we will also have our Healthy School Week assembly. Parents and Carers are more than welcome to join us and find out what the children have been learning about. We are sure you will be impressed!

