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Healthy School Week - Day 2

We have had another great day of learning and fun today for our second day of Healthy School Week. Some classes have enjoyed a visit from the Life Education Centre and had a super experience talking about a healthy lifestyle, feelings, enjoying messages from Harold the Giraffe and even seeing inside our body! Class 10, 9, 8, 1 and 2 had this experience today. 

Class 8 and 10 enjoyed their Healthy Living Session with Ben. We focused on exercise being great for the body and the mind!  Please ask them to tell you about this and even show you some of the activities they learned.

Today a dental nurse visited Reception classes. Children were so interested and listened well. They talked about how to clean your teeth carefully and about important visits to the dentist. They learnt about high sugar foods and drinks and why we need to only have them as a treat.  

 Year 1 pupils will all have the opportunity over the week to take part in a Relax Kids session. They have learnt lots of techniques on how to manage their emotions. Please ask your children to show you what they have learnt. Class 4 had their turn today! 
