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Healthy School Week - Day 2


We've had another busy and brilliant day for the second day of our Healthy School Week.


It was lovely to see so many families enjoying a healthy breakfast together again. Many families then joined their children in the classroom to take part in reading activities. The children are really enjoying sharing this time with you. 


Remember you can come and have breakfast and join in with the reading activities all week!


Today we were all really excited to see the Life Education Centre arrive on the playground.  All children will have the chance over the next few days to go inside and learn lots of interesting facts about staying healthy. Class 9, 10, 1 and 2 visited the Life Education Centre today. If your child is in one of these classes, please ask them about their exciting learning. 


Tomorrow morning the Life Education Centre will be holding an information session for parents/carers between 9.00 and 9.15 a.m. This is a fantastic opportunity to find out more about what your child will be learning during his/her visit to the Life Education Centre. We hope to see you there!  


Today has also been 'Safer Internet Day'. This is a national campaign to explore online safety with the theme 'Free to be me'. We all watched a powerpoint which prompted lots of discussion about what the internet is, which devices can go online and how to keep safe online. EYFS followed up their learning with the story of 'Smartie the Penguin' and Year 1 and 2 continued to learn about Hectors World.   


Today, the other half of the Year 1 children were very pleased to have a 'Relax Kids' session in the hall.  The children responded well to relaxation techniques and had a lot of fun too! See if they can teach you any to do as a family. They learnt that being healthy isn't just about what you eat and exercising, it's so important to be relaxed and happy too. There was a focus on how having a range of feelings and emotions is normal and having strategies to recognise and deal with our emotions is important to keep us mentally healthy.


In their classes the children have again been learning all about different aspects of staying healthy.  Why don't you ask them to tell you what they have been doing today?


For more e-safety information please click the following link:
