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Healthy School Week Day 1

Healthy School Week got off to an exciting and busy start today. School was open from 8.00 a.m. and a number of families started the day with breakfast at school.

This was followed by Family Reading in every class. This is an opportunity for adults to go to the classrooms with their children and join in with reading activities. Parents/Carers of Reception pupils were invited to look at the Learning Journeys and  Year 1 to share the Wow Work folders. This opportunity will continue every morning this week between 08.30 and 9.15 a.m.

The tables and chairs in the hall were quickly tidied away and Brian from FINS joined us and gave each class a 30 minute session of physical activities using ladders on the floor. All the children worked very hard to improve their skills during the session. A lot of children had been sponsored for this event or their parents/carers had made a donation.

Brian signed a form for every child and we now look forward to receiving the sponsor money/donation. This event is to raise money for LOROS and all the children who bring sponsor money or a donation into school will receive a certificate.

In every classroom the children have also being working on various activities to promote health for life. If you ask your child they should be able to tell you what an exciting day of learning they have had. The photographs might also help to remind them!

Tomorrow morning the Life Education Centre will be arriving. There will be an information session for parents/carers between 08.50 and 9.05 a.m. This is a fantastic opportunity to find out more about what your child will be learning during his/her visit to the Life Education Centre.  
