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Friendship Afternoon

This afternoon was friendship afternoon! As part of the national Anti-bullying Week we held an afternoon that raised awareness of bullying. Children from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 visited different classes so every class had a variety of different aged children.


We spoke about what it meant to be bullied, it can be hurting people or saying unkind things Several Times On Purpose (STOP). We discussed some examples and decided whether or not it was bullying. We discussed what to do if this was happening to you: Start Telling Other People (STOP). It is vital that you don't keep it inside as other people can and will listen to you and help you.


Most importantly we thought about how to be a good friend. We held circle times and songs introducing ourselves and finding out about our new friends, we played games together, we worked together to build, complete jigsaws and create bracelets. Some children listened to stories and worked together on pieces of art work.


Thank you to all the children who were so kind and friendly to each other and made it a lovely afternoon for everyone.We are all friends at Westfield Infant School!
