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Family Learning Morning

As you can see from the photographs Family Learning Morning was  very well supported by Westfield families. A lot of families also enjoyed having breakfast at school as a treat. Thank you to everyone who came and a big thank you to all the staff who gave time up at the weekend to support the event.

Those families who came were able to enjoy a wide range of activities and hopefully it gave adults some ideas about things that you can do at home that will extend your child's learning.

For those children who completed their passport and posted it in the Post Box you will have the opportunity to win one of the prizes. Adults can also complete the Evaluation Form which, if returned will be entered into the draw.

For those families unable to come we will be sending some information home. If you complete the form and return it by Thursday you will also be entered into a draw as we are keen to find out what we can do to get even more families at this annual event. Prizes will be awarded during assembly on Friday.          
