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Family Learning Morning

Today was a great treat because all Westfield Infant School families had the opportunity to come to school on a Saturday! The staff got to school early to get everything prepared and Mr and Mrs Fox were up early getting the refreshments ready. 

There were lots of activities for adults and children to do together:

Mark Making and Handwriting Skills 

Family Fun Playing Games

Storytelling and Creating Stories

Number Skittles

Bugclub, Busythings and Focus on Phonics

Shopping Activity

Making a Fruit Kebab using a repeating pattern

Maths Hunt

Problem Solving

As you can see from the photographs everyone had a great time and went home with lots of new ideas about activities to do at home to extend learning as well as having lots of fun!

Thank you to everyone who came and a BIG thank you to all the staff and governors who supported the event.   
