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Class 5 Trip to the Wharf

On Tuesday 28th April, Class 5 went to the Wharf in Hinckley. We met Steve and Mrs Ratcliffe and found out about the exciting day ahead. We worked in groups. With Mrs Rafferty we practised our circus skills which included hula hooping, plate spinning and walking along a tight rope. With Miss Johnson and Mrs Wilson, we explored the environment and learnt about physical and human features around us. Steve and Mrs Ratcliffe took us out on a bell boat where we had to work together to paddle across the lake. We spotted different types of water birds. We had a fantastic time and learnt lots of new and interesting facts about the Wharf and canals from the past. 

A special 'thank you' to Steve Burrows and Mrs Ratcliffe for taking us on the water and getting us back to dry land!

