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Castles - Year 2

What a wonderful climax to our topic 'Castles' this term.


Children in Year 2 ended their topic with a design technology afternoon creating their castles which they had deigned in a previous lesson.


Their castles began with making a drawbridge using a variety of technological skills including cutting, knot tying and hole punching.


Next the children added a variety of castle features that we had learned about this term. Most of the children worked independently to create their castles using a variety of resources they had requested in their planning.


Children tell a grown up all about your learning this term - 

  • Talk to your grown ups about the castle defences on your model. 
  • Talk about how castles were attacked
  • Talk about how castles have changed over time
  • Talk about the Knights and the armour they wore



During Pupil Progress Evening  this week please take the time to look in our 'Class Topic Book' for more information about what and how your child has been learning about this term.
