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Brumas and Mrs MacLauchlan have arrived in Chennai, India!

Brumas and Mrs MacLauchlan travelled to Heathrow Airport on Saturday and spent the rest of the day on a plane travelling to India. The flight was delayed by 45 minutes because some of the luggage had not arrived to be loaded onto the plane. Brumas was worried that it was his luggage that was missing! As you can see from the photos - Brumas does not travel lightly!

The plane left London at 3.00 p.m. (UK time) and arrived at Chennai airport at 6.00 a.m. (Chennai time). Brumas has got to remember that Chennai time is 5 and half hours ahead of U.K. time.This means that Mrs MacLauchlan and Brumas have missed a nights sleep which is why they look so tired on the photograph at Chennai airport. 

Even though it was very early in the morning the airport and the roads were very busy and the mosquitoes were also ready to welcome us!

Sunday is a day for resting and we are looking forward to seeing Father Dominic on Monday and going to meet our sponsor students.   

