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British Science Week

This week we have celebrated British Science Week's 2023 theme 'Connections'. Each class enjoyed a fun science lesson with a twist... It wasn't their usual class teacher teaching it!


In EYFS, Year 1 teachers conducted an experiment with the Classes 1 2, and 3 to find out which materials were waterproof. The children first predicted which materials would be waterproof and then tested each one.


In Year 1, the Year 2 teachers taught Classes 4, 5 and 6 about thrust. In groups the children made rockets and used balloons to launch them.


In Year 2, EYFS teachers visited Classes 8, 9 and 10 to discuss the life cycle of the chicks. 


Class 7 enjoyed having Mr Harries visit to help complete a floating and sinking activity. 


Overall it was a fun afternoon learning science!
