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Boundary Farm Visit

This afternoon we had a fantastic time visiting Boundary Farm. Eight children from Year 1 and 2 were able to visit the farm at the start of their lambing season. Farmer Richard and farmer Rachael were once again brilliant with the children and shared lots of information about their farm.


Each child was able to hold a lamb that was only 2 days old! We visited the milking parlour and the cow sheds too! We found out that when the farmers milk their 102 milking cows twice a day they make 2200 litres of milk a day. Farmer Rachel walks 2.5 miles every time she milks the cows as she walks up and down tending to them all! The milk is stored in a huge fridge straight away so it is chilled and then it can be taken away from the farm and sold. We learnt all about how to take care of the animals on the farm and what they eat too.


The children were brilliantly behaved and were so curious about the farm. They thought of lots of excellent questions to help them learn even more.


Thank you to the farmers for providing the children with such a hands on wonderful experience. Look out for more information when we share information about the visit with the whole school in an assembly.    
