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Boundary Farm Summer Visit

Today we had a fantastic time at Boundary Farm for our summer visit. Once again Farmer Richard met us from the bus and gave us a warm welcome. He shared so much information with us as he took us on a guided tour around the farm. 


We visited the sheep barn where we saw sheep that had just had their fleece removed. This is an important job in the summer. Can you think why the sheep have their coat removed at this time of year? We felt the wool which was furry but also greasy. The grease makes the sheep's wool waterproof which is very useful to keep the sheep dry when it rains. 


We visited some calves that were only 3 days old. They were very small but the children were amazed that they had already learnt to walk, it only takes them 10 minutes after they are born to learn to walk!


Next we walked through deep, sticky, slippery mud to the fields where oats are grown. They aren't ready to harvest yet but in about 6 weeks the crop will be yellow and dried out and that's when it can be used to make oats and straw. Can you think of how the oats and the straw may be used? 


As well as visiting the sheep in the field and the chickens the children all got to climb aboard a tractor! Each child who visited got to take an egg home from the farm and Farmer Richard and Farmer Rachael kindly gave us a farming magazine for each child at school!


We are extremely grateful for another fantastic experience and for our children once again being very well behaved. I know the children are looking forward to sharing all they have learnt in a Boundary Farm Assembly. 
