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Autism Awareness Day

Today at Westfield Infant School we celebrated World Autism Awareness Day. During assembly this morning we had some visitors who came to explain what it means to be Autistic. This means they see the world in a different way to most of us.

They explained that they all share a house together and help each other. They told us about the jobs they have, the hobbies they have and what they remember about when they were at school.

The main theme for the assembly and the day was that 'It is O.K. to be different'

Some of the staff told us about the different hobbies they have and the different music they enjoy. We all respect these differences because 'It is O.K. to be different'.   

At lunchtime we all had a special picnic lunch. We sat in classes with the grown ups sitting with us. This was a chance to find things out about each other that we did not know before. We were very lucky to have such a lovely sunny morning for our whole school picnic. A big thank you to the Catering Staff who even made some cakes with an Autism Awareness flag on!

At the end of the school day we had a Disco organised by WISA. This was another opportunity to celebrate how different we all are. We could bring special clothes to wear of our own choice. Look for the photographs of the Disco to see how different we all looked!
