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Another busy day in India.......

We started the day by visiting St Mathias School and the sponsor girls to present the gifts. It was important that we got there early as the girls were sitting their exams in the morning. We gave gifts to our sponsor student Jarjmiya then Clemencia who is Westfield Junior School's sponsor student, Kali Vari who is Ann's sponsor student and finally Poorarasi and Subameena who are both Andrew's sponsor students. They were all absolutely delighted with their Christmas gifts despite the fact they were just about to go in for their exam.
We then spent a short time with the nursery children reading stories and singing songs. We really wanted the children to have some more toys and Sister Rose gave us some suggestions. After a quick trip to a toy shop we returned with bags of presents. Again they were overjoyed with their gifts and there was a lot of giggling going on.
After lunch we were back in the classroom in the Primary School. In the last session we took the children outside and showed them some parachute games. I don't think the children could quite believe their eyes! It was great fun and the teachers in the school were excited about using it with their classes.
In the evening we went to see the Sister and girls at St Francis of Assisi. They greeted us with more lovely singing and showed us the computer suite provided by Pondi-link.