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  • Year 2 Homework on Famous Landmark

    Thu 31 Oct 2019

    This afternoon, Mr Squires came to Year 2 and looked at some of the model landmarks the children had made as part of their Dungeons and Dragons homework.


    They were amazing and you could tell a lot of effort had been put into them. Everyone was very interested in hearing what models everyone had made and Mr Squires gave out some of his special stickers.


    Well done to everyone who made such fantastic models and thank you to all parent/carers for supporting your child's learning at home. 

  • Class 10 Assembly - Diwali

    Thu 31 Oct 2019

    Today Class 10 told us all about Diwali in their class assembly.  We learnt that Diwali is also called the Festival of Light and that it is celebrated by Hindus all over the world.  Can you remember any other facts about Diwali?


    Next Class 10 did a play all about Rama and Sita.  What great acting Class 10!


    As well as fantastic acting some pupils from Class 10 showed us the amazing dance they had learnt earlier in the week at the Diwali Dance Workshop. 


    We then learnt about Rangoli patterns.  Can you remember any facts about Rangoli patterns?  Class 10's Rangoli patterns were brilliant!


    Lastly Class 10 all sang the Diwali song they had learnt.


    What a fantastic assembly Class 10!  Well done!


    If you missed it, you can view it here:


  • Year 1 and 2 - Dancing to Celebrate Diwali

    Wed 30 Oct 2019

    On Monday Danni from Education Group came into school to teach the Year 1 and Year 2 children some Indian dancing as part of our week of learning all about Diwali.


    Everyone had a wonderful time and learnt some amazing dance moves.

  • Year 1 Family Roast DInner

    Thu 24 Oct 2019

    The Year 1 pupils were very excited today because a lot of them had visitors coming to school at lunchtime to have a Family Roast Dinner with them!

    The Catering Staff were working very hard all morning preparing the food and as you can see from the photographs everyone had a delicious meal.  

    Thank you to all the parents/carers who joined their children for lunch.

  • Year 2 Tamworth Castle Trip

    Sun 20 Oct 2019

    This week, the Year 2 children visited Tamworth Castle to support and extend their learning about our topic 'Dungeons and Dragons'. The children met the strict, well-dressed Lady of the castle and were able to help the servant, Lucy, lay the table with plates, spoons and candlesticks for the Lord and Lady's meal.

    Can you remember the metal that was used to make the plates?

    What were some of the differences between the rich and poor peoples plates and cutlery?


    The Lord and Lady were very surprised with some of the clothing the children (and the adults) were wearing so with some help, they were able to show us what appropriate clothing for girls and boys was like in the past. 


    The children then had to opportunity to see a knight's metal armour and put it together. Some children got to try on the knights helmet and found out it was very heavy! Then we all took part in knight training. How loud it was!

    Why was shouting loudly in battle so important?


    After a picnic lunch, a tour completed our trip to the castle. We explored many of the rooms throughout the castle and even sneaked a view from the battlements. Careful 'watchman' looking was essential to ensure no enemy was trying to invade Tamworth!

    Can you remember the name of the room that we might call a 'bedroom' today?


    The children had a fantastic time applying their learning and picking up so many new and interesting facts about castles from the past. Superb behaviour too!


    Back at school, Year 2 children learned about dragons, using art and D&T skills and learnt a poem to recite.

    What was the name of the patron saint who bravely slayed a fierce, angry dragon?


    What an exciting few days we have had! Well done children.

  • Multi-Sports Parent/Carer Event

    Fri 11 Oct 2019

    It was very nice to see so many parents/carers turn up to join in with the Multi-Sports fun today. The children have learnt lots of different skills such as: Hand eye co-ordination; balance; speed and agility. The children have been able to use these skills during fun and active games.  They have even had the chance to create their own games!


    It was a fantastic chance for the children to be able to showcase all that they have learnt during the past few weeks and play games such as base dodgeball with their adults. 


    Please take a look at the photos below.

  • Feed the Hungry

    Fri 11 Oct 2019

    What an amazing experience Year 2 School Council and International Council members had today!


    We all visited St Johns Church to take part in the Feed the Hungry event.  We were welcomed by Rachel who told us why we had to wear a hair net and plastic gloves.  Can you remember why?


    We were shown to our work station and listened really carefully to the important jobs we were given to do and everyone worked really hard. 

    The jobs we had to do were:

    • Put a nutrient sachet in a bag
    • Hold the bag steadily under the funnel
    • Pour a level cup of soya mix
    • Pour two level scoops of lentils
    • Pour one level cup of rice
    • Pass the bag to the weighing station and make sure it was between 395-400g!
    • The bag was then passed to an adult who sealed the bag
    • The sealed bag was then passed to the labelling team to put a label on showing where it came from (Hinckley!)


    As a team we had to make sure we had 36 complete bags before we could package them into a cardboard box.  Once this was done somebody got to DONG THE GONG and everyone in the hall celebrated.  Westfield Infant School showed great co-operation, perseverance and confidence in the different skills they were using and in total we packaged SIX boxes.  Each bag fed 6 children and everyone that took part completed 24 boxes during the morning, which meant that we packaged 5,000 bags of food.  What an achievement!


    Our pupils were given a pencil and a Smartie challenge to encourage them to fill their empty tube with loose change.  If they would like to donate this to the Feed the Hungry Charity, Rachel from the team will come into school in January to collect them.


    A massive thanks to Rachel and Elaine who organised the event and the many volunteers who supported our pupils.


    Thank you to the School Council and International Council for your excellent behaviour.  You were amazing role models for the school.  We are all very proud of you.

  • Autumn Boundary Farm Visit

    Wed 09 Oct 2019

    We were very lucky to visit Boundary Farm today. The children all behaved brilliantly on the busy farm and listened well to keep themselves safe and learn a great deal. 


    We were met by Farmer Richard and Farmer Rachael when we arrived. First we found out that Boundary Farm is a dairy farm so they keep 250 cows who produce lots of milk. If anyone buys their milk from Aldi you will be buying milk from this farm! 


    We visited the maize filed and we saw the chopped up maize ready for the cows to eat. The tallest maize plant is 10ft tall so that's as tall as Farmer Richard with one of the children standing on his head!


    Next we headed to the pumpkin field where we saw hundreds of huge pumpkins. We saw three different colours of pumpkin, can you guess the colours we saw?


    We met the cows and the calves too. It was tagging day on the farm today so we saw a two week old calf get his tags. It is a legal requirement that every cow must wear 2 tags in it's ears to identify it. These tags are called passports and they contain information including when and where the cow was born, the breed of cow, whether it's a boy or girl and who its mum is. 


    We needed to clean our extremely muddy boots before getting back on the bus with a pumpkin each that the farmers kindly allowed us to take home. Overall, a fantastic visit!  

  • Family Learning Afternoon 2019

    Sat 05 Oct 2019

    What a super way to spend Saturday afternoon!

    It was lovely to see so many Westfield families spending time together having fun learning!


    Can you remember the different curriculum areas of you visited?


    Everyone had great fun taking part in different activities to become artists, musicians, ICT technicians, engineers and even scientists. We also learnt how to relax!


    What activities did you do? Which was you favourite?


    Thank you to everyone that came to make it a very enjoyable learning experience and enjoy looking through the photographs!

  • Harvest Festival

    Thu 03 Oct 2019

    Today Years 1 and 2 had their Harvest Festival.


    Year 2 started by sharing pictures of their favourite foods and how they feel when they are hungry.  How do you feel when you are hungry?


    We looked at the seven continents, what the population was and how the food is shared out. 


    We learnt that the food isn't shared fairly and that the continents with the largest population have the least amount of food.


    After singing about the Most Magnificent Pizza, Year 1 shared a poem called Let it Grow.  What a great poem Year 1!  You spoke really clearly!


    After singing our Fairtrade Song some pupils from Class 9 read a prayer.


    We finished the assembly by singing Thank You God for the Harvest.  Even the grown ups joined in.


    Thank you to everyone who has donated food for the Harvest Sale and to all of Year 1 and 2 for a brilliant assembly.


    You can watch it again here!



