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  • A great big THANKS

    Sun 29 Jul 2018

    We would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has helped us secure first place with the Tesco Bags for Help.

    Westfield Infant School collected the most tokens and will receive a fantastic grant. 


    What will we be doing with the money?

    We will be doing lots of work on the pond area including having a new bird watching shed and a new pond, how exciting! 


    Watch out for lots of updates along the way. :)

  • 100% Attendance Assembly

    Fri 13 Jul 2018

    Our final assembly of the year was to  award the Reception and Year 1 pupils who have achieved 100% attendance during the academic year 2017/2018 with a medal and a voucher.

    All the staff are very impressed with the number of Reception and Year 1 pupils who have managed this achievement.

    We also took a photograph of the Eco-Warriors with the book they have been awarded.

    As you can see from the photograph Brumas and Rowland Bear are getting very excited about the 28th July when Mr Harries will be marrying Ruth! They have already got their wedding outfits on!

    Staff and governors hope that all Westfield families have a Happy Summer Holiday. Keep safe children and don't forget the Golden Rules!      

  • Year 2 Leavers Assembly

    Fri 13 Jul 2018

    Although today has been a sad day for many Year 2 pupils on their final day at Westfield Infant School, it is also been a fun day! Year 2 pupils walked into the hall beautifully to Take That’s ‘Never Forget’ and sat proudly on the stage as some tears began to roll down even some of the adults faces.


    Following Mrs MacLauchlan’s welcome, the Year 2 children sang one of their favourite songs ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’ beautifully.

    It was then time for congratulations to be given to four Year 2 pupils who had managed to achieve 100% attendance this academic year! They were each presented with a WH Smith voucher. A further presentation was made to one of those four pupils who had succeeded in achieving 100% across their three years at Westfield Infant School! What a fantastic achievement – Mrs MacLauchlan put it down to a very healthy diet and being a 'Tough Cookie'! The pupil was awarded a cinema gift voucher to enjoy with her family. Well done children – something to be very proud of.


    School Council certificates were given out to the class representatives who have met very important visitors over the year and attended meetings to put forward the pupils’ voice in the everyday running of the school. Thank you for your hard work and commitment over the year children. They were each presented with a notebook and pen, just in case they attend any more meetings at their Junior school.


    Miss Hamilton and Mrs Singleton thanked the Eco-Warriors that had taken on the role for the whole academic year and praised them for recycling, turning off lights and planting fruits and vegetables to support sustainability. They were presented with a certificate and Gardening book!


    A selection of pupils then shared memories of the past three years with the whole school community which did make us all laugh! It was lovely to hear some of the little extras mentioned in their memories, those things that make Westfield stand out from other schools.

    Mrs MacLauchlan took great delight in revealing the news that we have been awarded the Jenny Mosley Golden School Award for implementing and embedding a special ethos where every member of our school community is valued because of the importance of our Golden Rules and quality weekly Circle Time sessions delivered.

    The whole school have been practising a very long surprise song over the past few weeks to acknowledge the special staff we are saying thank you and goodbye to today.


    Mrs Hone has been working at Westfield Infant School for 38 years and was presented with her Westfield Bear (finally!!) and a beautiful special edition willow figurine of a child holding a book with the year 2018 on it. Mrs MacLauchlan was also pleased to see that Mrs Hone was wearing her special Pandora necklace to remind her of Westfield which she was gifted with last week.


    Mrs Saunders retired today and will now be the President of her Rotary Club; she will still have many meetings to attend but also enjoy her free time. She was presented with some John Lewis vouchers and of course a Westfield Bear. Thank you for all you did Mrs Saunders especially in getting the grant for Class 7’s play area – what a difference that has made!


    We also said goodbye to Mrs Chaplin and Ms Morris. Mrs Chaplin has been at Westfield for many years and always smiles. She is off on another adventure to work with other children at another school. Ms Morris always looks after the children in First Aid and is a cheerful person at Westfield as well. Thank you both. They were each presented with gifts.


    Finally Mr Harries was included in the surprise song…can you remember why? He was presented with an up-cycled photograph display of him and Ruth which Mrs MacLauchlan EXPECTS to be displayed at their wedding over the summer. He was delighted with his gift! Well, it serves him right doesn’t it children? (He made fun of Mrs MacLauchlan’s Westfield Royal Wedding decorations!!)


    Everyone in the hall was invited to sing One More Step which was followed by Mrs MacLauchlan’s message to all Year 2 pupils as they leave Westfield Infant School:


    Of colour and race – you had no choice

    In selecting your parents – you had no choice

    But the road you take as you go along,

    The choices you make between right and wrong,

    The words you speak, the deeds you do,

    Are decided by no-one else but YOU.


    Thank you for being such a FANTASTIC Year Group. Have a super summer!

  • Year 2 Leavers Disco/Party

    Thu 12 Jul 2018

    All the Year 2 pupils were invited to the Leavers Disco Party. B.J. kept everyone entertained and we all had great fun! In preparation for his wedding party Mr Harries led us round the school doing the Conga!

    B.J. made some prizes out of balloons but it took him sometime as they kept flying off the balloon pump.

    All the children behaved well and at the end of the Disco sat in their class circle and enjoyed an ice lolly together.

    The Year 2 children said they had really enjoyed having a Disco Party with just their year group!  

    One more day to go at Westfield Infant School Year 2!    

  • Kev and Dan's Summer Singalong

    Wed 11 Jul 2018

    What a fantastic afternoon it has been singing along with Kev and Dan!!

    They visited us with their guitars and sang lots of family favourites with us. We enjoyed singing Summer Holiday, It's Coming Home, Down in the Jungle, She'll be Coming Round the Mountain. 

    Some children were lucky enough to join in on the stage to We Will Rock You pretending to be rockstars!


    We even had a special performance of Perfect and Summer Holiday.. there were some very proud teachers!


    At the end of the afternoon we danced along to Uptown Funk. 


    Thank you Kev and Dan for a fantastic afternoon, the children were all excellently behaved!


    Thank you to all grownups for joining us this afternoon too!

  • Year 2 Singing at the Community Centre

    Wed 11 Jul 2018

    Today the Year 2 pupils entertained our friends at Westfield Community Centre.

    They sang a selection of songs that they have prepared for their leaving assembly on Friday and were fantastic! 


    Well done Year 2!  Great singing!

  • Library Assembly

    Tue 10 Jul 2018

    Mr Harries and Miss Johnson enthusiastically told us all about the Summer Reading Challenge..


    This years theme is 'Mischief Makers' and is based in Beanotown!


    To take part all you have to do is head to the local library and sign up! You then need to read or share 6 books throughout the summer holidays.

    There are exclusive rewards to collect along the way, and best of all it’s FREE to take part!


    REMEMBER - when you sign up to add the name of THIS school on the registration- even if you are leaving us this year! - We could win a prize for the school if we have the most children that COMPLETE the Summer Reading Challenge this year!


    During the assembly we also said a huge THANK YOU to our 'Bookworm' volunteers - we have been so grateful for them giving up their spare time to come into school and hear children read, which has been of great benefit to the children. 



    For more information about the summer reading challenge head to the local library or click the following link



  • School Council Assembly

    Mon 09 Jul 2018

    Today the School Council told us what it means to be on the School Council.  It is a very important job and they get to have a say on some decisions that are made in school.


    A big thank you to all the members of the School Council for representing Westfield Infant School so well.

  • Key Stage 1 World Cup Dance Workshop

    Fri 06 Jul 2018

    Today has been an exciting day for pupils in Year 1 and Year 2. Each class has spent the day learning about a different country, exploring language, culture, food and the geography of each place. As well as this, the pupils have enjoyed the opportunity to learn a dance from their class country with a visiting dance instructor, Kristi. She shared some fascinating facts about the World Cup and asked us some questions about our own learning. What fantastic perseverance with your exciting dance routines! 


    Children, can you share with your adults at home some of the amazing information you have been learning about today?


    Perhaps you could take your learning further this weekend and bring in a fact you have found out from your own research. You could use the internet or even head down to Hinckley Library and borrow a book!

  • Year 2 Mablethorpe Assembly

    Wed 04 Jul 2018

    Today the Year 2's showed us all they have learnt about the Seaside during their Beachcombers topic.


    We began with a poem followed by some information about the history of the seaside and comparisons between Hinckley and recently visited Mablethorpe.


    The children spoke and sang beautifully.


