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Harvest Festival

Today Years 1 and 2 had their Harvest Festival.


Year 2 started by sharing pictures of their favourite foods and how they feel when they are hungry.  How do you feel when you are hungry?


We looked at the seven continents, what the population was and how the food is shared out. 


We learnt that the food isn't shared fairly and that the continents with the largest population have the least amount of food.


After singing about the Most Magnificent Pizza, Year 1 shared a poem called Let it Grow.  What a great poem Year 1!  You spoke really clearly!


After singing our Fairtrade Song some pupils from Class 9 read a prayer.


We finished the assembly by singing Thank You God for the Harvest.  Even the grown ups joined in.


Thank you to everyone who has donated food for the Harvest Sale and to all of Year 1 and 2 for a brilliant assembly.


You can watch it again here!


