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Year 2 Day Trip to Water Activity Centre

Friday started very wet but everyone's spirits were high.  After a brief registration in the hall the Year 2 Wharf Trip was ready to begin.  We zipped up our coats, put our hoods up and gritted our teeth as we made our way down to the wharf in what can only be described as heavy rain!

After arriving at the wharf we quickly gathered in the outdoor classroom as it offered us shelter from the rain.  However, we soon discovered that even the outdoor classroom was having a tough time standing up to the weather.  We had our drink and snack and set to it!  The first activity was playing games on the big open space, this was great fun as even the adults were joining in.  Then we put our hand to making rockets  with Mrs Banbury.  This was great fun and allowed us to work as a pair to create something that we could then play with.

As the rain started to slow down Mr Burrows decided it was time to take us onto the water.  We had our safety talk, learned how to use the equipment properly and prepared ourselves for some fun on the water.  It was great fun!  We were all on the water at the same time!  Ernest gave his bell boat a task to complete.  The children had to search around the edge of the lake and find numbered signs, needless to say we did this in good time and got every answer right!

It was then time for lunch.  At this point the sun decided to show its face and gave us 45 minutes of dry warm weather...perfect timing!  After lunch we were given a tricky challenge to complete.  We had to use our eyes and ears to find clues hidden around the wharf.  There were so many clues in some really tricky places but we all managed to finish the challenge.

BOOM, CLAP, BANG!  Here comes the thunder.  As we set off to school the rain and thunder came faster than ever and shocked a few of us.  As we arrived back into the school hall we changed into our dry clothes and had a fantastic circus skills session.  We all learnt something new and thoroughly enjoyed it!

Thank you to all the adults involved for making our day such fun!

Well done to all the Year 2 children who came along on the wharf trip, your behaviour and enthusiasm was second to none!
