Contact Us
For more information about the school please contact the school office using the details below. ONe of the team will be happy to help.
Westfield Infant School
Ashford Road
LE10 0JL
Telephone: 01455 637558
Should you need to contact a key member of staff, please email the above email address and use the name of the member of staff in the subject. Key staff members, including Designated Safeguarding Leads are listed below.
Headteacher/DSL - Mrs Jennifer Ruane
Deputy Headteacher/EYFS Lead/DSL - Mrs Katy Chuter
School Business Manager - Mrs Claire Mottram
SENDCo/DSL- Mainstream - Mrs Laura Taylor
Resource Base Lead/DSL - Mrs Amy Coles
Family Link Worker/DSL - Mrs Zoe Knight
Catering Manager - Mrs Karen Coleman
School hours are 8:45am - 3.15pm. Doors open at 8.35am