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Healthy School Week - Day 2

We have had another great day of learning and fun today for our second day of Healthy School Week. Some classes have enjoyed a visit from the Life Education Centre and had a super experience talking about a healthy lifestyle, feelings, enjoying messages from Harold the Giraffe and even seeing inside our body!


Across the school we've been learning about the importance of washing our hands. Please ask your children when they should do this? We did a brilliant germ spreading demonstration using paint to represent the germs. As you can imagine the paint (germs) spread very quickly to lots of places!


We've been enjoying doing lots of different forms of exercise too including a heart racing work out and a calm and relaxing yoga session. We've continued to learn about other areas that contribute to a healthy lifestyle such as getting enough sleep and eating healthily too! There has been some fantastic cooking too including reception classes creating delicious pizzas.


Year 1 pupils will all have the opportunity over the week to take part in a Relax Kids session. They have learnt lots of techniques on how to manage their emotions. Please ask your children to show you what they have learnt. 


Today is Safer Internet Day so the children have continued their learning with a special lesson on how to stay safe when using the internet too!


What a lot of things contribute to a healthy lifestyle! We are really proud of how the children are engaging with all the activities this week and we hope it will have long lasting effects on their physical and mental health!
