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Who's Who

Mrs Taylor - SENDCo
Miss Hamilton - Resource Base Lead Teacher
Miss Laura Jeffs - SEND Governor

Headteacher – Mrs Jennifer Ruane  

SENDCo (mainstream) – Mrs Laura Taylor

Resource Base Lead Teacher – Miss Louise Hamilton

SEND Governor – Miss Laura Jeffs

Speech and Language HLTA (Resource Base): Alison Lunn

Resource Base LSAs: LSA provision within the unit fluctuates depending on numbers and needs of the class.  Resource Base LSAs work within the classroom and to facilitate inclusion within the mainstream classes.  The support staff have a vast experience of pupils with special educational needs or disabilities. They have received the appropriate training from outside agencies to ensure high quality provision.

The Headteacher and the nominated Governors monitor the programme, policy and provision throughout the year. All Governors are aware of their responsibilities for SEND and discuss the issues regularly as part of the Governors’ SEND sub-committee.

Any parent/carers considering whether their child should join Westfield Infant School should contact Mrs J Ruane. Contact details: or school phone number: 01455 637558.

For further information regarding training and expertise of staff see Section 4 of the full version of this report.