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Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

School SEND vision-

At Westfield Infant School our vision for all pupils, regardless of faith, ability, gender, ethnicity, background or circumstance, is to be valued and nurtured to become an independent learner and fulfil their potential. Our ethos is one of inclusion and high aspirations with a commitment to meeting the needs of all pupils including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Early identification and intervention through rigorous and embedded systems ensure ‘Every teacher is a teacher of SEND’.

Individual considerations of ‘additional to and different from’ support using the graduated response of assess, plan, do and review; as well as collaboration with external specialists, involving parents and families and training and supporting staff, ensures all pupils access a full curriculum.

SEND Information Report (School Offer)- broken down into sections on the right

At Westfield Infant school staff are committed to ensuring that every pupil has the opportunity to achieve his or her full potential whilst recognising that learning needs to be enjoyable, exciting and a happy experience in a vibrant environment. Parent/Carers who have concerns about their child are encouraged to speak to any of the members of staff from the SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Team through the school office or arrange to speak to their child’s class teacher.

If you or school have concerns regarding your child’s progress we will monitor all aspects of their development on our Initial Concerns Checklists to see if they need to be placed on the School’s Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Record. The SEND Record is a list of pupils within school who require extra support. This may be with their communication or social skills or their learning or physical needs.

If your child is placed on the SEND Record they will have an individual plan (Westfield Support Plan) with up to 4 targets to help them with their difficulties. This plan will be shared with you and you will receive a copy of it so you know how to help your child at home. We also share the plan with your child so they are aware of their targets and they can enjoy celebrating their own success. All staff working with your child will also have access to the plan so they are aware of the targets. Your child’s plan will be reviewed each term using information collected in school from all members of staff working with your child. Any information/views you or they have towards their progress or next plan will be added. You will be given a Westfield Infant School leaflet which is updated annually explaining what provision is in place to support your child and how you can help them at home. At any stage during their time at Westfield Infant School a pupil can be removed or added to the SEND Record depending on the amount of support they require.

Westfield Infant School has a 24 place Resource Base for pupils with an EHCP and a primary need within communication and interaction supported by a multi-disciplinary group of professionals depending on the needs of the pupils. The Resource Base serves a catchment area wider than that of the school and the LA determines admissions. To attend the Resource Base pupils need an Education, Health and Care Plan with Westfield Infant School Resource Base named as the provision. The Resource Base is very much part of the school and offers genuine opportunities for purposeful, planned inclusion and helps to strengthen the ethos of a supportive learning environment where mutual respect and support is apparent.

Westfield Infant School has the Inclusion Quality Mark and is recognised as an IQM Flagship School.

Westfield Infant School strives to be an inclusive school, fostering a sense of community and belonging through its

  • inclusive ethos
  • personalised learning
  • broad, balanced and creative curriculum for all pupils
  • systems for early identification of barriers to learning and participation
  • high expectations and suitable targets for all pupils
  • organisation of groups/classes to best suit pupils’ needs

This section of the school’s website is here to provide you with all the information you need if your child has special educational needs or disabilities. The SEND (Special Educational Needs) Information Report is a very detailed document explaining how and what we do to provide for your child’s needs. Here you can access the report in manageable pieces of information. If at any time you have any further questions please contact Mrs Ruane, Mrs Taylor or Miss Hamilton.

If you require a hard copy of any of the above information please contact the school office.